Is there a way to turn most music into something more “triplety” for example by setting a delay of 0.33 seconds or something like that?
Love me some 6/8 time (or triple time maybe, I like 3 a lot) haha. I suppose I might looking to confirm or adjust my working theory that delay of 0.33 seconds to the point there’s kind of a 2x echo after the initial beat would roughly equate to this but its a very rough draft
The only actual recorded example I can think of that illustrates the end result I’m interested and also aware of altho I think its more implied than actually necessarily in the music is Debussy’s arrangement of Gymnopedie N. 1 by Erik Satie. I feel like the orchestra is basically generating this effect at least evocatively if not in fact. I
Might not be articulating this fantastically, not sure if I even know what I’m asking for or if it makes any sense 😅 If not, just making conversation i guess
Yeah, the delay cannot be 0.33 seconds, unless a quarter note takes a second to play out. That would be a tempo of 60, which is pretty slow music.
It may also sound rather terrible, though, if there are any eighth notes being played, since they’re then in between your triplet beat.
Really, the only way for it to definitely work is to take the length of the shortest note and divide that by 3.
But that will likely sound terrible, because it will then be an extremely rapid beat. I guess, you could try to pause the triplet beat when the shortest of notes are being played to mitigate that a little bit. But you’ll still have songs where this just sounds bad.