Warum sind in einem Rezepte-Forum Telefonnummer und Adresse hinterlegt? Was zur Hölle?
Warum sind in einem Rezepte-Forum Telefonnummer und Adresse hinterlegt? Was zur Hölle?
Yeah, its game mechanics are very similar to Civ5, which is still considered one of the high points in the Civ series. And it does reproduce them quite well, so I do think that can give you a good impression, if Civ is for you.
Then again, I do own Civ5, but still end up playing Unciv instead, because I’d rather have my laptop not screaming at me while it runs in the background and I do a couple turns every so often…
It’s the perfect pick-up line. If she says “yes”, you tell her that. If she says “ew”, you tell her that you have a small dick. Absolutely nothing can go wrong when you use this line.
I was thinking that roguelikes are kind of the antithesis to what he proposes, as you’ve got rapid character progression (paired with rapidly rising difficulty) and you certainly don’t want to get attached to your character. Didn’t know there was roguelikes with cannon fodder, though. 🙃
That’s not a typo: https://k3s.io/
It’s basically a Kubernetes cluster, which you can run locally on your PC. Really useful for playing around with Kubernetes before you move to a ‘proper’ environment.
Even just the choice of programming language makes a big difference. Running a JVM language or NodeJS, Python, Ruby etc., you can be bottlenecked by a Pi. Meanwhile, Rust or C/C++ will use barely a fraction of those resources.
I’d guess someone reversed a forklift into one of the vertical shelf beams. These beams will carry a good amount of weight when that’s only applied vertically.
But if you bend the beams with a forklift, or push them from the side (like when a neighboring shelf falls over), then they will fold under the weight pretty quickly.
First option for small codebases. Second option when you know your codebase will grow large enough to break things apart into multiple packages.
The thing is, you typically need dependencies for de-/serialization. You only want those dependencies in the parts of the codebase that actually do the de-/serializing. And your model will likely be included in pretty much everything in your codebase, so the de-/serializing code should not be in there.
Well, unless your programming language of choice supports feature flags with which the de-/serializing code + dependencies can be excluded from compilation, then you can think about putting it into the model package behind a feature flag.
Gotta love that they can pledge something like that and then just unpledge it at their earliest inconvenience.
Sie könnten den Pfandbon auf dem Bildschirm am Pfandautomaten anzeigen. Dann macht man davon ein Photo und lässt ihn an der Kasse einscannen.
I hope that fixes the single-sign-on nonsense at $DAYJOB. Every morning, it shows me the SSO login page, then I have to quickly press the back button 4 times to get back to the original page, from which it will redirect me back to that login page (but I’m guessing now with a refreshed token) and then I can login. Hopefully, it only requires navigating back one time now.
I do like the picture, too.
Option 1:
echo 1
Option 2:echo 2
Option 3:echo 3
I have a feeling how it came up with that 3
… 🙃
Yeah, it’s always so wild to me when people start talking about movies and every other person is like, oh yeah, I’ve watched that movie. I’m entirely aware that I’ve watched barely any movies, but in my head, normal people have watched like 20–30 movies or so. But yeah, then you listen and it feels more like they’ve watched 100+ movies.
Hmm, spannend. Ich kenne Joghurt eigentlich nur mit Mikroplastikbeigeschmack. Sogar die veganen Alternativen, die gerne mal umweltfreundlicher verpackt sind, suchen nach komischen Zwischenlösungen, wie z.B. Karton in die Form eines Bechers zu falten und dann außen auf einen (dünneren) Plastikbecher zu kleben.
Gibt man die Gläser dann auch am Pfandautomat ab?
Ah, thanks. Good to know that the metadata is there, it might just be a missing feature in Discover.
I did just poke around in Discover and couldn’t find a way to filter that…
Ich verstehe auch nicht wirklich, warum es kein Mehrwegsystem für Einmachgläser gibt. Es ist selten, dass ich ein Glas sehe, wo ich mir denke, dass das irgendwie innovativ oder besonders gut für den Inhalt geeignet ist. Die meisten Gläser sind extrem austauschbar und trotzdem gibt es gefühlt so viele verschiedene Gläser im Laden, wie es Produkte gibt.
Ich würde tatsächlich sogar lieber meine Gläser im Laden abgeben, anstatt immer einen separaten Trip zum Altglascontainer machen zu müssen.
Finde auch einfach die Vorstellung absurd, wie jedes Mal ein Glas in eine von drölftausend verschiedene Formen geblasen wird, nur um einmalig Marmelade reinzumachen und dann wieder eingeschmolzen zu werden. Und das ist noch eine der umweltfreundlicheren Verpackungsformen. 🥴
Well, this was a while ago. I do know that Discover now at least shows whether an application is from the normal package repository or from FlatHub. They probably also show the license somewhere by now.
But yeah, it being obvious isn’t really good enough for me, in the sense that I currently simply have FlatHub completely disabled, because I do not care for having the proprietary noise in between. It makes Discover worse for me, because it becomes harder to find software I want. And then, yeah, I just figured I’d ask, because I do think it’s silly for me to shun a whole technology due to some presentation issue…
Find’s richtig gut, dass jetzt wirklich Demos an jedem Wochenende bis zur Bundestagswahl sind. Sonst sagen/machen Merz, Söder und Co. immer irgendeine rassistische Scheiße und dann ist es spätestens nach dem Wochenende wieder aus dem Nachrichtenzyklus und den Gesprächen verschwunden. Diesmal bleibt es wirklich über längere Zeit im Gespräch, so dass sich vielleicht auch konservativere Menschen mal ernsthaft mit ihrer Einstellung beschäftigen.