• 39 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2020

  • Ephera@lemmy.mltoScience Memes...
    3 hours ago

    Capital has certain interests. If your research doesn’t produce the results that capital is looking for, you’re unlikely to get more funding. As such, it leaves a bias on what we have research for, which can already skew our perception of reality, and sometimes researchers will even fake their results or select certain data to reach a conclusion that’s in the interest of the capital.

    There are mechanisms in place to try to prevent that, namely peer reviews and reproduction of previous studies, so we’ll hopefully get to the truth eventually, but the bias still has a big impact.

  • Ich vermute die Hype-Fraktion sind die Leute, die auch Klemmbausteine im Zimmer stehen haben. Mir geht’s zumindest auch so, dass ich da immer wieder mal was baue, aber mir geht dann recht schnell die Kreativität aus, und dann dauert’s wieder ein paar Wochen/Monate, bis ich mal wieder reinschauen will.

  • Ah yeah, good idea.

    But good question, if it makes sense at all. Since hue is not a linear scale, the average is not exactly the ‘middle’ of anything. At best you could interpret it as the poster being somewhat biased in that direction, but ultimately you could have a poster with no green at all, which still averages out to green, and that just doesn’t feel right.

    A more complex graph, which shows the frequency of the colours used, might be more useful…

  • Habe dazu mal ein ausgezeichnetes Rant-Video angeschaut, das ich leider nicht mehr wieder finde. 🫠

    Aber ja, es war in Irland nicht irgendwie demokratisch entschieden, dass man hier besonders kulant sein will, sondern deren Data Protection Commission war einfach von den Unternehmen unterwandert worden.
    Insbesondere die frühere Chefin der irischen DPC, Helen Dixon, hat es sich wohl zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht, sich für irgendwelche Amtspositionen aufstellen zu lassen und dann möglichst lange zu verhindern, dass das Amt seine Arbeit tut.

    Mittlerweile gibt es EU-weit eine Neuregelung, dass jetzt auch andere Datenschutzkommissionen die Fälle bearbeiten dürfen, wodurch die irische DPC stark an Bedeutung verloren hat, aber wie im Artikel erwähnt, wurde das DPC auch dafür bestraft und Helen Dixon ist mittlerweile weitergezogen, um wahrscheinlich irgendein anderes Amt zu blockieren.

  • Well, I feel like there’s two ways to look at it.

    The guy earns his money from this, so two weeks of forced pause may be a big deal. In general, the notion that Twitch decides whether the guy gets to perform his job is somewhat ridiculous.

    On the other hand, there’s the ToS, there’s the normal content moderation rules, there’s the fact that most people would get a lifetime ban, if they said that.
    In comparison to that, this feels like they’re just sending Asmongoldilocks into the quiet corner for two weeks, because they need to uphold their image, not because they want him to actually stop doing it.

  • I always think about starting a webpage for explaining interesting topics, but every time I write something, I’m just thinking, damn, there is no way in hell that I would read that.

    I’ve been considering publishing it anyways, but it makes it hard to judge whether it’s actually good. In particular, because I myself would have to read it. 🫠

    Maybe a more interactive format would be good, like an overview graphic where you can click on whatever interests you. But yeah, that idea is still cooking…

  • A few months ago, I was in this post shop and the lady working the counter told me my parcel was in another castle post shop. She gave me an address and mostly out of reflex, I asked “Oh man, where’s that going to be?”.

    Then she started explaining, if you drive from this town to the other town, there’s a sideroad…
    …until she quickly realized, I had no idea what she was talking about, because I had never driven between those two towns.

    Shortly afterwards, I mentioned that I had literally just come from said other town and she looked at me like, wtf, did you teleport between towns?

    And uh, kind of. I walked into a bus and then walked back out of it, when it said we were in the other town.
    It was great, just completely different concepts of reality clashing, when merely giving directions.

  • Sounds like you’ll always have to do this little dance for any string you want to pass through, so I can definitely see how that could become quite annoying.

    For not being able to combine serde-derive and cxx FFI on the same struct, there’s a simple trick that can be used for many such situations:

    struct CxxThingamabob { ... }
    #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
    struct SerializableCxxThingamabob(CxxThingamabob);

    That just moves the Serde implementation to a different struct, so that you can choose which one you want by either wrapping or unwrapping it.

  • Probably not going to happen. I will say that it’s less bad than you might think, because there is more-or-less an unofficial extended stdlib, i.e. high-quality, widely used libraries which are maintained by people in the Rust team.

    But yeah, I’m involved in a somewhat larger project and we’ve cracked 1000 transitive dependencies a few weeks ago, and I can tell you for free that I don’t personally know the maintainers of all of those.
    If this was more of a security-critical project, there’s probably a dozen or so direct dependencies that we would have implemented ourselves instead.