The Michigan Court of Appeals, in an 18-page opinion, declined to interfere with a 1931 law that carries a five-year prison term for simply having brass knuckles, also known as metallic knuckles.
A “ban on the possession of metallic knuckles falls within the historical tradition of prohibiting the concealed carry of metallic knuckles as a dangerous and unusual weapon,” Judge Christopher Murray wrote in a 3-0 opinion Tuesday.
Brass knuckles are usually a single set of rings that fits on someone’s hand. A punch can inflict serious injuries.
I found this humdinger that may or may not be accurate
in Pennsylvania you need a license to carry to transport a gun at all. whoever made this map doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
Giffords group lies or misleads about guns?
call a county sheriff in Pa and ask them if this map accurately represents the license to carry laws. maybe not Philadelphia, but any other county sheriff will tell you that they want you to tell them if you’ve got a pistol, whether you intend to conceal it or not
“Open carry prohibited, concealed carry without a permit” is Chaotic Evil energy.
Chaotic Evil encapsulates Florida quite nicely.