A newly released memo from the banking giant Wells Fargo outlines a predatory scheme to dismantle the USPS: sell off profitable parts, slash union jobs, and raise prices by up to 140 percent.
Some things -and I know this is wild- do not need to be profitable!
Courts, fire departments, schools…
There are segments of a functioning society that have nothing to do with making money!
I know it sounds Cuckoo bananas and like some woke Marxist shit but those beloved Founding Fathers they talk about on Fox News wrote about weird ideas like “Common Defense” and “General Welfare” and “Pursuit of Happiness”
Not so much on profitability.
Some things -and I know this is wild- do not need to be profitable! Courts, fire departments, schools… There are segments of a functioning society that have nothing to do with making money! I know it sounds Cuckoo bananas and like some woke Marxist shit but those beloved Founding Fathers they talk about on Fox News wrote about weird ideas like “Common Defense” and “General Welfare” and “Pursuit of Happiness” Not so much on profitability.
They want to privatize schools too. They are morons whom probably drank to much lead as kids.
These are the folks that don’t understand King Midas is a cautionary tale.
The Gilded Age 2 Electric Boogaloo