List of instances:
Piefed has a few nice features that Lemmy and Mbin lack
- instance blocking
- comments combination, posts only appear once
- keyword filter
- topics (admin-managed feeds)
- user-managed feeds, public and private
- ability to reduce the amount of Trump and Musk content
It doesn’t have an app yet, but it’s in progress
At the moment, it only has 352 monthly active users, so it seems like people aren’t very interested in it yet
Is this the lack of app, or is there anything else?
Apps are in development. I’m testing it right now. Writing this from Piefed in Interstellar, which recently started supporting Piefed.
I’m also testing Pferd, developed by the Piefed devs.
Both are very early in development, some bugs here and there, but I like that there are different options already. I could see myself switching to Piefed when apps are stable.
The ideal situation would be if my favorite Lemmy app Voyager would start to support Piefed, but I don’t know if that’s a possibility.
Are you planning to support Piefed at some point in the future?
Are there api docs?
Docs for the alpha API are here:
Thanks! That looks great.
This is something I’d like to investigate, but will probably happen after lemmy 1.0 API changes are stable/released. I’ll keep tabs on progress though!
Thank you! is the one primarily working on the api, pinging them to bring this to their attention. There is also a matrix chat for piefed dev where I have seen api discussions happen.
My understanding as a non-dev is that the api is
95+%mostly the same as lemmy (intentionally so). The rest is mostly there, but with some kinks still to work out. Right now, is the only piefed instance running a build with the api turned on for testing.I’ll just say, even if 95% of the API is the same (which I am almost sure it’s less than that), it will still need very intentional effort in order to implement the support. Interstellar already had support for Lemmy, but it took us several weeks to get to the point we are now with PieFed support, and that’s all with a code architecture that makes it easy to add new platforms to support (due to both Mbin and Lemmy support previously).
All that to say, it likely will not be as easy as it seems to add PieFed support.
Fair enough. App development is far beyond my programming capability and I am happy to defer to expertise in this regard.
For me I moved over for the killer feature - post combining.
Each post has the comments from multiple instances under it, rather than the usual thing where you see the same post multiple times from each instance / community when scrolling all. So much nicer.
Forgot about this one, added to the OP
I’m gun-shy after my experience getting settled in with kbin. That said, here we go.
Me too, but my first jump was to which at the time was exceedingly slow, like half the time it wouldn’t even connect to let me read anything, and every vote or comment waited for over a minute and then had a strong chance to fail.
Discuss.Online on the other hand is one of the best-run instances across the entire Threadiverse.
But even so, the call of these awesome features on PieFed very much enticed me to check it out too:-).
Yeah, I’ve got a now-defunct lemmy instance, one that’s still up but is running v18.something and hasn’t had another active user in over a year, and another that I couldn’t use with non-local instances because everything was so delayed I was basically interacting with 3 days ago.
On one hand, it sucks that there’s so many issues to experience. On the other hand, it’s nice that none of these are absolute dealbreakers, especially now that exporting settings/subs is so easy.
Yeah I don’t recall the details but I’ve heard people say that Lemmy (and presumably PieFed?) is fairly resource intensive, needing some beefy network resources to keep up. Unless someone is just trying to personally pull down a community or ten for their own reading pleasure, but once you start piling on the interactions (clicks, posts, comments, even votes - every single one of those takes up “resources”) and thus especially as other users start to share the instance, it gets difficult to keep up.
That said, the delay issue specifically with Lemmy.World might be fixed in a month or so… which ofc is what people have been saying for the past half year too:-P.
For features, I definitely strongly recommend PieFed. For Lemmy, I personally recommend Discuss.Online for someone in the USA (lower ping?), with fantastic uptime and next to never having any technical issues, while for someone outside of the USA I think it’s that is the typical recommendation that I’ve seen offered.
I use PieFed as my daily driver though, covering 99% of my Threadiverse activity:-).
Is this the lack of app, or is there anything else?
Probably that and most people just being happy where they are.
Probably. I was just surprised quite a few people aren’t aware that feeds/multi reddits are available on Piefed, the point came up a few times in the AMA yesterday
For sure awareness is part of it, most people here probably don’t care nearly as much about platform developments as we do. I’ll also be honest, I was on Reddit for like 4-5 years and didn’t use a multi-Reddit once, I imagine a lot people are like me and just don’t care about them.
I feel like here the need to multireddits is higher due to topic fragmentation across different communities
My biggest beef with PieFed is its lack of “polish”.
- there is a “preview” option for new posts, but not for comments, even though 99% of what I do is reply to existing posts or comments
- the Notifications feature needs serious work: a medium fraction of the time when I click it’s pointing to something that doesn’t exist, or if it does it won’t actually take me there
- the search feature sucks, as too does Reddit’s, but Lemmy’s is amazing
- oh yeah, once you begin a list like this it’s super annoying to try to stop, as every line afterwards will try to continue it (even with intervening empty lines)
All of which is a fantastic place to be, when the feature set is even larger than Lemmy’s, and in several ways begins to exceed that of Reddit even (in terms of democratization of moderation features). PieFed has its annoyances, which given its super rapid pace of development I have little doubt will be fixed sooner rather than later, but it’s like getting in on the ground floor for something that’s REALLY going to grow, if only bc every single thing that people are asking for, ends up being added as a feature extremely quickly. Mastodon could really stand to learn something from how PieFed is developed (ignoring user requests, especially celebrities that are necessary to help the platform really take off, and even ignoring actual code written and offered to it? es no bueno).
There’s two reasons I still like Lemmy.
It’s very easy to post, easier than piefed.
Also lack of app makes it a pretty slow Firefox app.
Other than that, I love the platform. It’s easy to set up, the dev is awesome, and the code is really easy to look at.
posts only appear once
Mbin doesn’t have the comment combining, but it also combines duplicate posts into one.
I don’t think Mbin’s approach is perfect, but I actually like Piefed’s less.
We’ve established accounts and histories on Lemmy. Those things are nice but PieFed isn’t stable or proven yet, and the upcoming Lemmy 1.0 release should have some of this.
But Piefed also has some advantages by being a new/smaller project and both projects inspire each other, as pointed out by nutomic in this thread of the AMA.
Lemmy is a very large project already, so it takes a lot of effort to implement new features, because they have to meet high standards for quality and performance and also work together with all the existing features. A project like Piefed is much smaller and can implement new features more quickly. This allows for more experimentation, and successful features can later be added to Lemmy.
Sure, doesn’t change the fact that switching takes effort, and we lose our comment and post histories. And then we have to rediscover all of our feeds…
Don’t get me wrong I hope their development goes well, but I (and I think a lot of people) aren’t going to switch just because there’s a few new features in PieFed. But who knows, one day that could change.
This is also somewhat true of switching Lemmy instances, but switching to PieFed is far more so due to not only lacking the export+import JSON feature but also the entire model of subscriptions and such is different.
Imho, the feature set makes it worthwhile.
To anyone on the fence I suggest: just make an account, if only to check it out. The signup wizard alone will probably strongly entice you to stay, but if not then no loss.
The important thing is not what platform we all choose to use, but to gain knowledge and experience communicating with one another across the Fediverse:-).
upcoming Lemmy 1.0 release
Lemmy 1.0 is planned for autumn 2025, Piefed might be an alternative in the meantime
established accounts and histories
Keep your username and profile picture, you’ll be recognized
- instance blocking
- keyword filter
These are things that I absolutely do on Lemmy today, are we sure these features are lacking? I guess it could be something that my Lemmy client is doing and not a feature built into Lemmy.
In the default Lemmy web UI
- instances can only be muted, not completely blocked (communities don’t appear, but users still do)
- there is no keyword filter
Clients such as yours do
I’ve been here for a while now. To me, the UI is more comfortable than Lemmy. At the time I switched, I hadn’t found a Lemmy app I really loved, so the PWA here is okay for now. I do really like the Topics feature, especially as a way to simplify building a feed for new users.
Personally I lack the Comments view, including the (x new comments) that allow to quickly catch up with an ongoing discussion
The UI also seems more cluttered than Lemmy Web UI? But that’s mostly personal preference I guess
There is another way to read this graph. In fact it is slowly gaining more and more user. We jumped from 100 people to 300 people. The MAU has doubled.
We are pretty close to the tipping point and i invite users from to try out. So more people will tell about PieFed as you do. I regulary present all PieFed features and will probably do an english version soon, just for you 😁
I’m not worried about that and fully commited to it. :)
For our instance, i think they are slowly convainced by PieFed but we need to take our time. I do lot communication about it because it is a good software. Each update improve it in a tremendous way. I enjoy it a lot and the best part are our thought on how to improve our relationship between mod team and users.
Some part lacks polishing but it’s a very good beggining. I give them lot feedback.
However to benefit from PieFed to the fullest, we need to migrate our communities to PieFed. For example : managing vote per communities, using tags, moderation and admin board, or waching peertube channel, or later mastodon…And that’s not an easy task.
We need :
- migration tool
- mobile app
- the ability to schedule our post :
- And some option as [comment view/mod view], notification board that would help our users and mod team.
PieFied is written in Python, the first language of lot developpers. So the development will be easier. Once those areas are covered, we may jump.
Our instance is small and we have a hard time convaincing french redditor as their mods simply delete any comment about
But i see a way to get out of this bottleneck : Nastodon. Why ? Because when french reddit users will see our communities an tremendous activities with pixelfeed, peertube, owncast, loops…They may joins us. They would no longer have the excuse : “it is empty.” “There is only 100 people” because those number are irrevalent in the fediverse.
Mastodon’s users may be also interested in forum discussion. We may come back to the forum era.
We if you don’t know abouc PieFed, come and give a try. I hope you will enjoy it :3