For the older posters here, you know the drill. No struggle sessions, keep it nice.

For the newer folks, hi! I’m Corgi! I made these threads from time to time to see if everyone is doing OK. Got something cool you wanna talk about? Need an ear for venting? This is your space! Just be nice, this isn’t the thread for arguments.

I made a down payment for next year’s wedding recently, and I’ve been having a BLAST with the Retroid 3+. I’ve been going to the bar with the pup the last few days and just sitting with a pint and playing MVC2, Twisted Metal Black, Smash, and Mario. Met another Hexbear IRL recently, that was nice!

Hope everyone is doing well! Remember, you are loved stalin-heart

  • JuneFall [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Bonded with a father figure that is about to die, was nice and yet wished communication like that would be more often possible instead of only in extreme situations.

  • thisonethatone [he/him]
    1 year ago


    Good news: BF recovered from COVID about two weeks ago. Yay!

    Bad News: He took up the bottle again for reasons too complex to talk about here. Then he tried to start a fight over something that is a legit grievance(I failed to be attentive to his needs, check in more) but when I tried to deescalate he continued to try and fight, and threatened to follow me if I tried to get away. (shrek-pixel-despair

    After giving him 24 hours to cool off- he did it again over text.

    So, I told him to get his stuff, now he’s my ex boyfriend.

    I was shocked with his behavior. He’s a grief counselor ffs. But he is also a recovering alcoholic and I just met who he is after a weekend bender.


  • RION [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Talked to my therapist, thinking about starting HRT. I just don’t wanna do it while I’m living with my mom (she’s not exactly anti-trans, just weird and uncomfortable about it) but we’re still living together and will be until I can get a job and find a place of my own :(

  • I’m having a bad time!

    I’m single for the first time in my adult life after 8 years with the same person, so I’m using this time to try and vetter myself and get control over my vices now that I’ve got the freedom to introspect at my pace.

    I’ve mostly quit smoking weed, and significantly cut back on cigarettes, and I’ve increased my drinking now that I’ve realized that I don’t actually have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and was just afraid of it because of my parents being alcoholics.

    I’m in a new city with no friends, no family, and no support system, so it’s been really rough, but I’m determined to come out of this shit clean on the other side.

    Thank you for asking, I’ve been looking for a place to vent a little

    1 year ago

    First time listener, first time caller. Homeschool for our two kids starts next week, and we are studying Dad’s Extremely Anti-Colonialist Early Modern History: Part One™ this year. Can’t wait

    • duderium [he/him]
      1 year ago

      We did commie homeschool for three years since the pandemic started, but my kids said that they wanted to go back this year, so they’re going, although they won’t be taking off their n95s at school. I’m pretty anxious about them getting sick (or getting me sick) and hope that they change their minds, but I support whatever decision they make. We studied really well together and I was really impressed with how basically any kind of problem can be overcome with enough attention, resources, encouragement, etc. They head back tomorrow. Good luck with this adventure.

        1 year ago

        That’s a bittersweet feeling for sure. We went through the same thing last year, sending them to public school after two great years of homeschool; we wanted to give them a chance to learn some social skills, make some friends, and just generally get a sense of what public school is like so that they have that cultural reference point going forward.

        If it helps at all, they managed to avoid COVID (thank you, KF94 masks), built some great friendships that have grown outside of school, and got to participate in some fun stuff that they would have otherwise missed. It also gave them a greater appreciation for the fun and flexibility of homeschool.

        So: good luck tomorrow and for the rest of the schoolyear! And maybe don’t give away all your homeschool stuff just yet.

    • JuneFall [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Roughly how old are the kids? I could ask down the street about materials for teaching kids / work sheets (they are mostly focused on science and practical things for kids though, German academic material).

        1 year ago

        They’re 9 and 6. We’re in the very fortunate position of having too many resources available, so we’re trying to pare down what we’re doing to avoid frying their brains. That said, there’s a real shortage of homeschool resources in the Lemmy world, so anything you’ve got that handy will be useful. Thanks, and you’re awesome

  • Hungry, trans, and really tired

    I need to voice train

    the usual depression about the fall of the soviet union, I miss it every day

    get maybe some clothes too, but I’ve never cared too much about those, I’ll try when I actually have some goddamn estrogen

    realizing I came out to two of my friends yesterday, they were very supportive, just hasn’t registered yet. They are the only people I know IRL that know this information.

    Also the fact that they knew for months and were just waiting for me to open up about it was hilarious, apparently I give off “trans vibes” (idk what that means either) and how my family just has not picked up on it at all.

    life is a fuck but things seem to be looking up in the short run.

    • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
      1 year ago

      When I was in a bad place, time went real slow. I’m not perfect now but I am significantly better. There is a bit more colour and the music I listen to sounds all sped up. It’s weird, I’ll try to listen to sad stuff to make myself feel worse after something happens and the tempo feels like it’s 10-20% faster than I remember.

      That’s all to say that our perception is largely affected by our cognitive state. I’d have a touch point like a character in a book (Prince Myshkin in The Idiot) or a person I respect (my partner, mom) who I’d try to use as a reference to compare my thoughts to. It would sort of tell me how out of whack I was. Of course the feelings are completely valid, it’s only I wanted to know what a non-sad perspective might be to help me out when the chance came (infrequently, but enough to be worthwhile)

      Wish you the best comrade. I’m struggling without friends as well. A quote from Aristotle:

      “Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.”

    1 year ago

    I’m exhausted comrades

    I work a job currently that is 60 hours a week… 5 days with 12 hours. No breaks, though the work isn’t that hard. And although it’s hourly I get no overtime. No paid leave, no sick leave.

    I don’t know how much longer I can stand it but there’s not really any other jobs that I can pay the bills with around, at least until my SO graduates college and can start helping pay the bills.

    I had a fever of 102° yesterday but still had to go in because I don’t feel like I have much choice.

    Also I feel so disconnected from society. I know literally nobody here. I moved close to my SO’s school so we could live together. A year and a half later I have no friends, no connections. No social life. Working 60 hours doesn’t help either. But it’s not a large town and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of people around my age or other opportunities to form connections.

  • SootySootySoot [any]
    1 year ago

    Lawdy, already a fair share of negative times here, so I feel bad adding.

    I’m really filled with despair this week. Despite a sizeable salary, other family conditions mean I have some very big financial problems, interest rates, housing costs, and food prices are spiking, and I think my problems are only going to get worse, and ruin my relationships with my family and my partner. I don’t want to keep working a shitty job I hate just for life to remain shitty / get shittier for me and for everyone I love.

    I don’t see a way out right now, I can’t see any glimmer of hope, so continuing to live just feels quite pointless and filled with pain. I’m doing my best to chill out, hang on, and hope the despair goes away. Time will tell I guess.

    Thanks for the check in though meow-hug And serious love to all my comrades, many of whom also seem to be having a rough time of it at the moment.

    • SootySootySoot [any]
      1 year ago

      When I left school and couldn’t afford university, my closest family/friends just left/got really busy all at once, and suddenly it was me. It took about 8 years before I felt able to form meaningful friendships again. I’m sure you’ll do better than that, but, not a fun time, however long.

      You’ve been a cool-seeming person everywhere on this site I’ve seen ye, so I’ll second the offer of a casual chat sometime if fancied.

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Im doing really well, in my social and political theory class i discoverd my professor is a marxist because he told me to read max weber, and all my other classes to me are all very interesting

    • mah [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      i discoverd my professor is a maxist because he told me to read max weber

      the “because” is a bit confusing here. your professor is marxist, ok, but how you deduced it? max weber is super interesting and a great read, however, he is not associated with Marxism. his writings have frequently been interpreted as opposing Marxist ideas, particularly in the United States. for example, Parsons held a strong admiration for Max Weber because he saw him as an alternative to marx

      • JuneFall [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        You kind of have to talk about Weber in pol theory classes, it is foundational even though not the first person having thought about a lot of stuff. It also is good to be able to critique the conceptions as many pol sci people hear Weber, hear Carl Schmitt (right wing Max Weber for conservative authoritarians and Nazis basically) and a few others and then just repeat those points and look down on anyone having a wider set of political knowledge.

        • duderium [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I view Weber as basically Marx but with bourgeois escape valves. “Marx failed to consider culture which is this vague thing that just sort of floats around in the air and gets involved in human affairs whenever the bourgeoisie (the people currently paying my salary) starts to look bad.” Weber allows liberal academics to do something like historical materialism (even though it’s nothing of the sort) and avoid relying too much on great man theory / divine intervention without risking their careers. Also, Weber’s idea that Protestantism created capitalism has the entire base-superstructure backwards and is not dialectical.

          I don’t actually know that much about Weber so anyone who knows more should feel free to dunk on me. My history professor in college relied on him pretty heavily and stabbed me in the back and nuked my graduate thesis (after we had worked together really well for four years!) because I dared to express support for Students for Justice in Palestine, even though back then I was a lib. So I associate Weber with that guy. Always looking at interesting details, never considering the broader dialectical picture, and rarely mentioning Marx or Marxists except to say that they are wrong.

          • JuneFall [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            Your critiques are good places to start critiquing Weber from I feel. They are very accessible and especially the protestant -> capitalism thing shows the idealism that Marx and half the Hegelians fought so hard against.

            I also see a couple things that Weber did well (especially review stuff which became important for later for myself), but Marx did quite a bit work on culture in his works, not only in the German Ideology in which he describes some conceptions of how the mechanism between modes of productions and class as well as super structure is, but also in later works. I always wondered why people would skip over that when Capital contains so many great critiques of capitalist culture that are used to this day in anthropology frameworks in some way or the other.

    1 year ago
    [cw: grief, animal death]

    my cat died a little over a week ago and I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m just sad all the time. It was so sudden and so violent. We brought him in to check out his breathing and he stopped breathing within an hour. I had to watch him struggle for breath with a tube down his throat as my last memory. I don’t even feel like I got to say goodbye, because he was so drugged up he didn’t know what was happening around him. fuck I’m crying again right now fuck

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Girl I have been chasing isn’t texting me while she deals with ongoing family drama. About to go into work at a job that’s come to be extremely stressful, one I sought originally to get less stress. I had acting class at community college today. Called out sick yesterday because I was super depressed and having back pain and needed to do homework anyway. Made a wire sculpture of my shoe for 3D design class.

    Have been obsessively playing Baldur’s Gate 3 for over a week now and got like 80 hours in so far. Thinking about writing but not doing much of it.

    TLDR sad but plugging along, the usual

  • D61 [any]
    1 year ago

    Surviving, temps are below 90’s for the last few days. Down from the 100+ they have been for the last month.

    Friend of my wife dropped off a small air conditioner after casually mentioning the unpleasant sounds coming from current air conditioner. So, we’ve finally got a tiny A/C unit to keep the bedroom cool enough to sleep in.

    Keep flipping a coin on whether I’m going to buy a cell phone battery to try to keep this ancient iPhone 6 going or scraping together the cash to buy a reasonably priced newer model and by that I mean some other refurbished smart phone from like 5 years ago or something.

    looks at the notifications icon I really should read those. Been a bit too tired from the heat to want to read through them. Its going to be like finding some hidden presents from last years birthday/Christmas when I get around to it.

    Time to go take care of the animals.

    Be cool with yourselves.