Posting for conversation sake. Interesting thread went on about my alt account over at lemmy.

I honestly don’t know how to deal with some of these accusations.

I’m not sure how not banning people for offering contrarian opinions some how makes us

LItErAlY kILlInG, gEnOcIdE, RaCiSt, anti lgbqtabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

There is not a moderation policy that doesn’t ban any contrary viewpoints that some people will accept.

  • Masterofballs@wolfballs.comOPM
    2 years ago

    The drama is actually a good thing for the whole ecosystem. It will pull people in, people will share the post on other platforms because they fill strongly one way or the other and it will create a growth bubble.

    Watch all involved instances get more users. And more users weaken reddit and big tech. Which is what i’m interested in. The decentralization of information powers.

    Edit to be clear I am not saying we should create drama on purpose just that as a unintended consequence more users will leave reddit.