• TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    If they knew that the grain harvest was being sabotaged, why did they not accept the foreign aid offered during the famine?

    The Soviet Union was a huge centralized government that was basically beta testing a new form of government. Of course they are going to make some mistakes.

    I dont understand why other leftist feel the need to trip over their own dicks defending historically recognized tragedies for the soviets. That kinda goes against the idea of self criticism that Marx, Lenin, and even Stalin himself said were essential.

    Frankly admitting a mistake, ascertaining the reasons for it, analysing the circumstances which gave rise to it, and thoroughly discussing the means of correcting it—that is the earmark of a serious party".[8] Lenin again further elaborated at a later date (1922) that “All the revolutionary parties that have perished so far, perished because they grew conceited, failed to see where their strength lay, and feared to speak of their weaknesses. But we shall not perish, for we do not fear to speak of our weaknesses and shall learn to overcome them”.[9]

    If the left continues to hide from the darkest corners of leftist history they will be doomed to repeat it. The failure to see the inherent issues with the rapid conversion to collectivism in the 30’s is directly linked to the famine in China decades later via the exportation of lysenkoism.