I need serious help, comrades. I thought I was doing better, maybe I was lying to myself, maybe I’m insane, I don’t know.

All I know is I’ve spent far too much money on drugs, doing them super often, and in places I shouldn’t be. Anything I could afford.

I’m so down and so dysfunctional that I am struggling to hold down jobs or do much of anything without the aid of being fucked up. Last night I got so demolished (ketamine + weed) that I couldn’t function around my girlfriend. It was embarrassing. I was having full on schizophrenic like experiences and the worst self esteem issues I’ve ever experienced and I realized that I was fucking my life and body up and headed down a very dark path. Said some embarrassing shit too.

I feel like such a loser. Not for finally getting help but for where I put myself and just I don’t know

I’m sorry everyone

If anyone has anything inspirational or anything to say I’d appreciate it because I’m in a spiral right now

I still feel like I’m in the void

Is this forever because it feels like it’s already been forever

  • Red Phoenix@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Hey comrade, I can relate. I’ve been there, and still am in a way because it’s a constant struggle not to fall back into old, bad habits. The more effort we put into changing our habits, the easier it gets over time, but then BAM we get triggered and if we’re not ready we trip and we’re back in that place again.

    I’m not an expert by any means, but I’ll share what works for me and hopefully it helps you in some way. I have an idea in my mind of the ideal person I want to be. It gives me a reference point to strive towards. I also have a very strict schedule that I follow that puts me on track to achieving that goal. If I deviate from that schedule then I know I’m off track and I need to fix something.

    I still do drugs, mainly just smoke weed, but this works into my schedule by only doing them on weekends, and usually only at night so I can be productive throughout the day. This gives my body at least four days to recover and allow me to be my best at work. I still get tempted to smoke during the week, but having planned activities and a strict sleep schedule helps fight off those temptations.

    The hardest part is starting. Once we have momentum by doing the right things consistently, it becomes much easier. I also never want to go back to that place, so having those dark memories in mind helps me resist the urge to give in.

    I hope that helps. Feel free to reach out if you wanna talk!