Backed into a superior’s car in the parking lot at my job, after a 10 hour night shift and a 1-and-a-half hour meeting. Insurance exchanged. Cops called. She tried to calm me down but I am so beat up about it and feel like an absolute idiot. Occasionally having to stifle tears. Looks like minor paint damage but with these shitty plastic builds who knows. Have liability insurance. My car got the worst of it, but idgaf about cosmetic damage. I just hate that in my sleep deprived state I was forced to get into that death-trap by the way our infrastructure is set up and wound up in my first collision in my life. No one hurt, she wasn’t in the car at the time. At home but still on edge as fuck. I can’t let something so dumb make me destitute again.

Have any of you been in a minor scrape like this? At-fault or otherwise? Did it go ok? I’d appreciate experiences in part so I feel less like a total dumbass.

    2 years ago

    I hate the absolute fetishism of cars. I hate these rich prissy assholes driving around like they own the earth and the street in their disgusting Mercedes. “I can’t drive here?! I’m going to sue.”

    Cars are the most bourgeois, hyperindividualist garbage invention that has robbed everyone from walkable cities!

    I feel ya. Goddamn. I could go on for ages. Almost nothing brings me more rage.

      2 years ago

      Ugggh, tell me about it. I work outside at a grocery and they had a car show in the parking lot where I work. Nothing but old white guys feeling superior to everyone else because they spent $50,000 on a mode of transport. The funniest part to me is the fact that these old white guys all get into unspoken competitions where one will be like “actually this baby is a ‘97 not like those ‘99s that they spit out” just because one guy tried to say his car was cool. You could have the fastest car on Earth and these hating ass mfs will be like “but your gas mileage is ass” or “you probably spent more than your life on that hunk of junk” like they have the shittiest attitudes about the dumbest shit.

    • KiG
      2 years ago

      My least favorite cars are the big trucks (bonus eat shit points if it’s loud and spews black smog), and what I call “waifu hunters” (the similarly loud sedans, coups, and misc cars people supe up and bedazzle with nearly pornographic anime stickers). Most just for the noise.

      I’ve keyed a couple luxury cars when they double parked 😈

  • Car-based infrastructure is a garbage idea. Fortunately, I’ve never had to drive to work; if I did have to, I would almost certainly have damaged something. I would probably have reacted similarly because I’m terrible at dealing with any kind of real-life conflict

    Also: is it normal for cops to be called in situations like these?

    • SovereignState@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      She didn’t know either and went inside and asked someone who said we should, but that it was up to her. When the cop got there he said it was unnecessary to file a report because of the type of accident it was – if it was on the street, for example, I would get a citation and a police report would have to be filed, but it was her discretion as to whether or not to file a police report. He said that the insurance companies would 100% get ahold of each other if they filed a report, so she said she wanted them to. The individual cop was ok to me and he didn’t fine me for something related to my ID I probably should have been fined for (didn’t notice or didn’t mention it). She was kind of given a lot of “outs” wrt getting the law and insurance involved but wanted to do things the legit way, I don’t blame her but it’s like 10x more stressful than if I had just given her $200 or whatever.

    2 years ago

    I agree with hating car centric infrastructure. Where I live it’s often poor/ working class people who have to spend the most time driving, because they can’t afford to live anywhere near where they work and there’s not much public transit. Despite this, a lot of liberals will act like having to drive a lot is an individual moral failing.

    2 years ago

    as far as your own accident went, just remember shit happens, and at the end of the day it was something really minor. You’ll be fine.

    In general, yeah I agree, fuck cars. Climate destroying coffins on wheels. stuck in traffic every day to and from work and all I can think is why everyone thinks this is a good idea

  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    I floored it with 80 km/h against one of those stone hills seperating two roads, because a bee flew in my window. My tire got fucked and I had to change it there. Adrenaline made me shake like crazy lol.

    Shit can happen, especially in a car. They are death traps on wheels and I’m not afraid of driving or anything, but I will avoid it if I can.

    Take care comrade, it’s going to be fine.

    2 years ago

    My main hatred of cars currently is that I need to drive to my masters classes. However, with my lack of sleep, I regularly get into a state where driving would be a terrible idea. This leads to me missing class more than I like. It hasn’t been too bad previous semesters because my professors would post at least some stuff online. This semester my professor posts nothing online and now I’m shit out of luck unless I can copy someone’s notes.

    • SovereignState@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      Sleep deprivation on the road can be more dangerous than driving drunk or high fr, but it’s not talked about as much, probably because a major reason drivers are sleep deprived is because of their jobs :^) I’m also sorry to hear that, that sounds incredibly frustrating.

        2 years ago

        Fortunately, there seems to be a recurring problem of a very large portion of the class not making it to class, meaning the professor is often loath to cover too many topics for fear of excluding too many people. I just went to class today and while we still covered some new stuff, half the examples were stuff that she had already covered weeks before like proving set equality and proofs by induction. Then again, those concepts can be deceptively simple when you learn how it works generally but are kind of a brain fuck once you try to apply it to specifics.

      2 years ago

      I used to love biking, then my friend took me on a bike trail with a small jump, the impact from landing the jump fucked up my seat and I got hit realllllly hard in the nads. Not a fan of bikes. I do like Tandem Bikes a lot though

        2 years ago

        Is that because laughing at the other rider’s pain would help you to forget your own in another nads-to-cross-bar-type incident?

    2 years ago

    I’m lucky to have never gotten into so much as a bump on my car. I’ve had to avoid a lot of crashes by swerving last second though. I hope you feel alright, don’t beat yourself up too much, a few friends of mine have been in large crashes and they weren’t arrested or bankrupted before, so things can definitely be worse and they still ended up decent for them. Both friends that crashed now have new better cars and they’re safe and happy. I hope the same to you, comrade. ❤️

    2 years ago

    I once scraped paint from a concrete pillar to my car bc I tried to get into a too small parking space 🙃

    Also with a girl I was trying to impress at the time lmao

    our cars keep getting bigger but our parking spots remain the same size.

    otherwise if I’ve done anything dangerous in my car I don’t remember it.

    but hey, live and learn. I made the mistake once but not twice. how did your boss take it?

  • KiG
    2 years ago

    If feeling less of a dumbass is what you want. You shall recieve:


    I’ve probably gotten into roughly a dozen or two dozen tiny collisions like this, a half dozen to a dozen medium ones and 3 much more severe ones.

    Luckily, all 3 of the severe ones range from: not my fault at all, less than half my fault, and not my fault at all.

    The minor ones? Well…lol. Let’s just say that I drive a manual and forgot for a while repeatedly to engage the parking break…that accounts easily for half of them 😅

    Another third were just me driving like a dipshit or an asshole. The former because I’m stoned and on my phone or the latter because I’m impatient and/or thrill seeking.

    I DoorDash for a living from about 2020 to probably at least 6 months from now so I am on the road a LOT and have eaten up a LOT of miles. My car is in ribbons and held together by zip ties and super glue.

    So, please. Know there is much worse. Most normal people I know have gotten into little parking lot shit at least once, twice, three times. I can only imagine the intense stress that I would feel if this occured to someone such as my work superior, or someone in a similar position of power over me. But if she says it really is fine and to not worry I would try as best as you can to do so.

    Some minor PTSD from car mishaps is normal (don’t even get me started about when I hit a deer), so if you get flustered or shit in parking lots in the future don’t be hard on yourself and just know it’ll abate as time passes.

    I don’t know your personal situation but I would seriously just assume that it’s not a big deal and that you’ll be able to forget about it within a month. If her damage is minimal I wouldn’t worry too much payment wise. Best of luck, and remember this is much more common than you would think. There are piece of shit douchebags like me on the road doing more than our fair share, you are not one of them for one small mistake, very very normal.