I would like to make a community dedicated to posting interesting science questions that have been asked and answered in other sites.

The post would be a copy of the question and the comments would be copies of the answers that were found to be interesting - always with the username attribution and the link to the original post.

With this format, users would not need to leave the site, and it is easy to discuss the answers directly in the comments.

But I have my doubts about whether this is appropriate, as I think that it might be copyright infringement.

So, what do people in Lemmy think? Would this format be blatant theft and wrong? Perfectly reasonable? Somewhere in between?

  • serenity@jeremmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Interesting questions. I wonder what Aaron Swartz would think about this (No irony or sarcasm here. Was just reading a book about him). DuckDuckGo used to have instant answers at the right of the search result showing one answer from StackExchange. For some reason I don’t see that anymore from DDG (Did they remove it ? Or am I using some browser add-on blocking it?), but in that case you could if I recall correctly read the question and answer without even going to the StackExchange site. Can search engines be sued for copyright infringements for showing too much data ?