• southerntofu@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    like having voting based on verified identities not $ to determine if someone is abusing the system

    Not sure that would help. In the best-case scenario, you end up with dictatorship of the majority which is not exactly a happy outcome in general (“minorities” tend to be persecuted, at least in political systems ruled this way). In the worst-case scenario, you end up with intelligence services and mafia making up thousands of fake identities to game your system.

    It also makes phishing and MITM attacks impossible.

    In theory, in practice just look how many malware have been doing MiTM/phishing for crypto wallets…

    I think what makes people really mad is that its capitalism. And I think people are right to be mad about it.

    Indeed! But blockchain as we know it is a libertarian dream of commerce without regulation, i.e. a capitalist nightmare. When i read about Brave and other startups with tokens to fund the web, i can’t help but think the web needs less financial incentives, not more.

    • DPUGT@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Indeed! But blockchain as we know it is a libertarian dream of commerce without regulation, i.e. a capitalist nightmare.

      It is indeed nightmarish. To think that out there, somewhere, someone is selling something they own to someone who wants it for a price that both agree to and there’s no government man standing there making sure that the transaction occurs in the ways that we want (namely, with blessed Divine Regulation, the magic that creates such utopias as we’re all familiar with in the 20th century and early 21st).

      It must be stopped. By any means necessary.

    • Brattea@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      I’m not talking about phishing in wallets. im talking about signing Content ID with NFT domains which means the content directed to when you go to website.eth is exactly what was published by the owner on IPFS a decentralized filesystem. meaning the web can be peer to peer with security and bandwidth optimization in mind while also being secure.

      • southerntofu@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        Ah yes that’s a very interesting property indeed! What do you think about other decentralized naming schemes like .onion, .i2p or the GNU Name System? (not talking about Handshake because the design is very similar to .eth)

        I personally find the design of GNS much superior from a technical perspective: it’s backwards-compatible with DNS, and via hyper-hyper local root breaks Zooko’s triangle by dissociating human-meaningful names to global machine-generated public-key-addressed names. Clever stuff!