There are only so many more braindead, agenda-fueled smug remarks I can deal with at this point and I’ve lost all hope of changing most of these people. Just this evening I commented a one sentence defense of China’s foreign policy on reddit only to get every single one of my comments from the past week bombarded by a guy spamming Taiwan emojis and calling me a “CCP slave girl who should go to the Xinjiang rape camps”. It’s tiring

    2 years ago

    Reddit just isn’t the place for these discussions considering it’s a cesspool and seldom a good take will ever appear in large communities. Like twitter, we all know the big subreddits have been flooded with pro-west sentiment and propaganda. I don’t think it’s worth it. I still do use twitter so I’m a bit hypocritical lol.

    There are comrades on twitter but they are difficult to find because of the algorithm. I’ve only been able to find them because I follow left-wing people in general. But even when you find comrades you will always find their tweets being flooded by, not only libs, but little loser neo-Nazis. They’re much braver than I, being so open about your politics on fucking twitter and still going even with all the harassment. I retweet and like but I’m too scared to comment. Lets not forget the fact that Twitter, in their trending section, is exclusively running “coverage” on Ukraine. This only pushes people in one direction considering whose narrative they decide to spread, and with the fear mongering of “Russian State Affiliated Media”:

    So to me, if you’re okay with dealing with all that then you’ll find some good people on Twitter, but there is risk considering the amount of fascists infesting the site. I don’t comment much on my comrades’ tweets because I don’t want problems yet.

    When it comes to people in real life I just tend to pick and choose my battles. Some people who aren’t too involved in politics I can talk to, but others who are involved (not academically) in current events or have strong political views (I.e. racist AF) I tend to avoid for now.

    I only say all this to illustrate my own experiences and choices. There are people on twitter who don’t have worms in their brain, but those that do will flock to those who don’t just to be a dick, or worse, dox them. Also the warnings for certain media sources can be a real struggle. I don’t think it’s wrong to stick to Lemmygrad considering the amount of depraved individuals that hang out on more mainstream social media, I only ever talk extensively on here. I stick on Twitter because, even subtly, I want to at least help a little with spreading our messages.

    Your mental health also matters. If even the thought of these people flocking to you with their bullshit causes you any distress or exhaustion, it’s probably not worth it. Debating doesn’t really go anywhere unless people are genuinely wanting to listen. Social media brings out the worst in people so there’s a good chance no one is arguing in good faith. There, unfortunately, are real life consequences for being an outspoken ML. Doxxing is real, and because these sites are lenient (at best) on explicit fascists, there’s a chance they will try to find personal information. I don’t want to scare you or anyone, but it is a reality for marxists online, especially if you live in the west/NATO affiliated country.

    So honestly, if you can mentally/emotionally handle the chance of dumbasses flooding your notifications: go for it. Try not to debate as it never works. At most the best you can do is share sources and accurate information. People will either take it, or most likely, won’t bother to engage. If you’re not worried about physical harassment, or are in a place where that won’t be an issue: go for it. For me, I’m waiting until I get my degree to even bother engaging explicitly with “the masses” because at least then I’ll have a little bit of “paper protection”.

    Wall of text lmao but hopefully explaining my personal experiences/views can help you make a decision.