I set up a peertube instance last night!

It can be found at https://bolitoglossa.com

The name of Bolitoglossa comes from the genus of the mushroom-tongued salamanders, which are arguably some of the coolest salamanders out there. I’ve modified the style CSS to match the style of mander.xyz and to give it what I think is a clenar look, feedback is welcome.

In my opinion, what the ecosystem needs is more ‘regular’ videos, similar to old-style youtube. Video blogs, amateur tutorials, home experiments, videos about a birds eating food in the backyard - simple content that anyone can share. Things to make people engage with each other through video. So I will moderate the instance with this view in mind - most topics are allowed, but NSFW, hate speech, and misleadingly dangerous content will be removed.

As of now I have the registration unrestricted and a 20GB daily upload limit. If I run into problems with these settings I will adjust accordingly in response.

The data is stored on an SSD that I physically own. I will leave the instance running indefinitely, but if for any reason I have to take it down I will do my best to give a fair warning and I will try to make sure the owners can keep their videos. But as an amateur self-hoster I am not able to make stronger guarantees.

Feel free to use this instance to upload content, or ask me questions about how to set up your own.

  • SalamanderOPMA
    2 years ago

    What I had in mind when I wrote this was a video I watched in Odysee I think, where someone was explaining that COVID can be cured by drinking bleach.

    Around the same time I also watched a video that explained how to detect the microchip from the COVID vaccine by downloading a sketchy app and using the app to connect to the chip via bluetooth and see its MAC address. The danger in this case is that people who do download the app risk being scammed and/or hacked. I don’t see much of a point in letting the scammy videos stay.

    I will be pragmatic and use some common sense.