I’m still baffled with how China’s economic system works.

  • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    and in those areas China’s basically capitalist, but governed by a dictatorship of the proletariat

    How is the will of the proletariat excercised? If there are areas where private property is permitted, there are bound to be bourgeousie there - local perhaps, but still capitalist. And they are no doubt working towards their class interests and against the proletariat. And are likely enjoying the support of international capital. So how does CPC (which as I understand is meant to be acting on behlf of the proletariat, as described by Marx) maintain class interests of the proletariat?

    • QueerCommie@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      The maintain minimal affect of money on politics. Unlike in the west where you can buy a politician, the most you can do is run for election, and only a small minority of the people’s assembly (i think that’s what it’s called) are millionaires. With the separation of money from politics the government is able to actually prosecute corporate crime, unlike here. That’s why the number of billionaires is shrinking.

      • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Unlike in the west where you can buy a politician, the most you can do is run for election, and only a small minority of the people’s assembly (i think that’s what it’s called) are millionaires

        I find these points to be in conflict. If there are millionaires, they can bribe - legally or not doesn’t matter.

        the number of billionaires is shrinking

        Now this is an important bit imo. Is there any statistics? I’ve seen the opposite claim (that the number of private-owned companies in China is growing, while the number of state-owned is shrinking), however I was not able to locate a source.

        • QueerCommie@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          I meant they can only get low level people. No one is bribing XI Jinping, whereas Biden for example is in the pocket of the railroad, agribusiness, pharmaceutical, oil, industries’ pockets and so on.

          On the suppression of billionaires: https://www.bullfrag.com/chinese-billionaires-have-lost-500-billion-in-a-year-it-is-what-has-the-common-prosperity/

          To quote the article: “Suffice to say, 87 Chinese citizens have disappeared from this year’s Forbes billionaires list in the wake of the government’s crackdown on tech companies in the country. In total, Chinese billionaires are more than 500 billion poorer than they were a year ago. Of the 10 most affected billionaires, those who saw their net worth shrink the most, eight were from China.

          blow to education. At this time last year, TAL Education’s Zhang Bangxin was worth $13 billion. Today, his wealth has plummeted by 94% and is worth $890 million. Similarly, Larry Xiangdong Chen, founder of industry rival GSX Techedu, lost $15 billion in just six months between January and July last year, and is now reportedly worth $235 million.” I know it’s a biased source, but trust a bourgeois outlet to say “the poor bourgeoisie are suffering in China”

    • freagle@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      There are bourgeoisie in China, by design. China has an explicit collaboration strategy that embraces the existence of a bourgeoisie as historically necessary to the development of society, but as a concession afforded to the bourgeoisie by the proletariat. The proletariat control the super structure that allows the bourgeoisie to exist, uses the individual owner’s self interest to manage them against their class interest, polices them and their behaviors, and controls who gets in.

      • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        The proletariat control the super structure that allows the bourgeoisie to exist, uses the individual owner’s self interest to manage them against their class interest, polices them and their behaviors, and controls who gets in.

        How is this achieved? Are there laws or what? I am not trolling, I am desperate to learn