Reading the news about the Jordan Neely murder is legitimately making my blood boil. Cons and libs both are in complete agreement that he was subhuman filth and deserved to die for the crime of being black, homeless and mentally ill all at once. You hear more about the dude’s criminal record than you do the fact that he was fucking killed and it’s madness.

But more than that, I’m starting to wonder why the fuck people even leave their houses in America anymore. Things are just not safe. You go to a public place, like a mall or a school and you run the risk of being caught in a mass shooting. You go home to your apartment and you might get arrested by a cop who somehow mistakes you for a guy on another floor in another building. You knock on the wrong door and the guy inside has full rights to shoot you execution style. And now you might witness a murder on the subway and watch the killer just walk off like nothing happened.

Things have gone insane lately, and the people have go insane trying to keep up. Honestly, I can’t see life getting back to normal. Whatever that is for us.

    1 year ago

    The USA could no longer satisfy their desire through the Indian Residential fake Schools from 1850s to 1998 where they enslaved, tortured, raped, and murdered Indigenous First Nation children under unethical experimentation for their psychopathic pleasures. Enslaving immigrants of non-European ethnicities to replace First Nation children slaves is also not a good alternative from the decreasing number of immigration. They need to engage in violence and murder openly and indiscriminately against white people to serve their cultural desire for violence and oppression.