Reading the news about the Jordan Neely murder is legitimately making my blood boil. Cons and libs both are in complete agreement that he was subhuman filth and deserved to die for the crime of being black, homeless and mentally ill all at once. You hear more about the dude’s criminal record than you do the fact that he was fucking killed and it’s madness.

But more than that, I’m starting to wonder why the fuck people even leave their houses in America anymore. Things are just not safe. You go to a public place, like a mall or a school and you run the risk of being caught in a mass shooting. You go home to your apartment and you might get arrested by a cop who somehow mistakes you for a guy on another floor in another building. You knock on the wrong door and the guy inside has full rights to shoot you execution style. And now you might witness a murder on the subway and watch the killer just walk off like nothing happened.

Things have gone insane lately, and the people have go insane trying to keep up. Honestly, I can’t see life getting back to normal. Whatever that is for us.

    1 year ago

    Imma be honest, this has always been in the black experience. It’s just how it is, how people treat us. I’m a pretty anxious person so I guess that’s the conditioned response.

    1 year ago

    When i heard it first time, without seeing any material, my first though was “i bet he was black” and the second one “muricans will justify the murder with “he was no angel””

    And of course, like a clockwork every time.

    1 year ago

    Wait till you hear about Serbia, at least 20+ non related shit in totally different places happening in 2 days: school shooting, mass shootings, bar fights, gun threatening, arrestings over gun, bomb, other weapon and drug possessions, senseless violence in streets, riots, kids threatening school shootings, traffic crashes and incidents, multiple knife attacks, car theft, random fence falling and collapsing on someone, attempted murders, suicide attempts… ALL OF THIS IN 2 DAYS!

  • Black
    1 year ago

    Why I’m arming up. If I gotta leave the pad, I’m leaving strapped up; 'cause ain’t no one gonna help me if it boils down to me and some random jackoff pig. Ain’t no one gonna help us. If we’re never gonna be seen as angels, then clearly, we gotta be demons.

    1 year ago

    “law and order”…“democracy and freedom”

    Homes aren’t safe but due to the more likely scenario of being evicted for being poor which happens far more than a wrong knock at the door…Then your only shelter is gone. In either case, my recommendation is to actually buy a firearm and learn how to use it.

    Firearms are an advancement of violence. Violence is the advent of physical manipulation or coercion of a person for a reason. It is also a force of egalitarianism/equality because all are born with the same ability to use violence, which means it is a preferred tool of our class as it is free and widely available. (Before flinching, consider the unequal nature of the bourgeois force of coercion - capital) This may seem like a romanced or perverse way of seeing violence but please do not mistake me for a war monger, my point is violence has been and can be again used for good, it is our society which has willfully and temporarily changed the paradigm of violence from a symbol of justice to a symbol of oppression.

    Historically, this tool is used by all, however in America it is increasingly being used disproportionately by authority and anti-social predators (serial killers) only. The faux left liberals and opportunists infect our ranks and conversations and promote: pacifism, fear of performing violence, fear of firearms and explosives (modern and sufficient weapons to counter the state and fascists with), passive aggression over confrontation, and idealistic logic over mechanical logic in the form of “karma”, the “justice” system, “good cops/politicians/bourgeoisie”. As well they deincentivize and oppress proletarian materialist solutions such as: confrontation, analysis of material progression (they cynically slur as “pathologizing”), speaking directly and truthfully to classmates towards a material solution, and on wards up towards larger actions such as sabotaging strikes, class unity and coordination, derailing radical conversation on riots (“violence is not the way” “what will society think?” “what about the consequences?”), and knee-capping political parties.

    This kind of shit flies because we allow it to. If we are to fight this nonsense we must reclaim radical actions (up to and including class violence) to balance the power and protect our class (and ourselves within said class) then we must reject liberalism within our class and help other classmates to do the same as this is a symptom of that problem. A great guide on this is Mao’s Combat Liberalism. It is an old works and does not touch on some of what I have however if one combines the two you get an idea of where we must go within our class’ social culture.

    As communists, the saying goes “one cannot love others until they love themself”. Applied to us it would say “one cannot expect a class of radicals when there is no vanguard” which starts with us. We cannot fix our class if we are still too broken, we cannot lead if we are still too blind. This is not to say everyone here will be the vanguard, simply statistically speaking, the vanguard will be made of communists, and so all communists must condition themselves accordingly. Purchase a firearm, study it and relevant methods of combat, train. If you are unable to purchase a firearm, take up martial arts and study methods of warfare which is relevant to your conditions (urban, guerrilla, etc…)

    It is best to find comrades near you to bond, study, and train with as well.

    1 year ago

    The USA could no longer satisfy their desire through the Indian Residential fake Schools from 1850s to 1998 where they enslaved, tortured, raped, and murdered Indigenous First Nation children under unethical experimentation for their psychopathic pleasures. Enslaving immigrants of non-European ethnicities to replace First Nation children slaves is also not a good alternative from the decreasing number of immigration. They need to engage in violence and murder openly and indiscriminately against white people to serve their cultural desire for violence and oppression.

    1 year ago

    Cons and libs both are in complete agreement that he was subhuman filth and deserved to die for the crime of being black, homeless and mentally ill all at once.

    I just read the CNN article about the story and they don’t seem to promote this at all, what does make you think liberal media is making that claim? To me it seems that they are playing appeasement more than anything (as cynical as it is for the biggest defender of the system)

      1 year ago

      Good point. Could be totally wrong, but I wouldn’t be surprised if OP was unfortunate like me and stumbled upon some threads. The official r/nyc discussion thread on this story was extremely depressing.