
  • THC [they/them]
    11 months ago

    This guy I worked with, who seemed to be of solid mind and not prone to psychological weirdness from what I knew of him, told a story that stuck with me. He said that he and his wife were having a beer in their backyard around dusk, just chatting and enjoying the nice weather, when they noticed an orange orb in the sky. They looked at it for a minute, when suddenly it launched right towards them and came to an immediate dead stop a few hundred feet above them, and just hovered there for a few seconds. Before either of them had the chance to snap out of the shock and try to take a pic, it had zipped off below the horizon. He said it made no noise and was absolutely not a plane/drone/helicopter/etc. At first I thought he had taken meth or some kind of psych, because that’s a fucking weird ass thing to claim to have seen. But I know he’s not that type of guy, and I know beer isn’t gonna make you see things like that. Plus, according to him his wife saw it too and can back him up. He seemed to be really unsettled when he recounted it, and the more I think about it the more creeped out I get. The way he described it, it basically just showed up, got extremely close extremely fast, looked at them for a minute, and then left as quick as it came. A brief and harmless encounter, but enough to totally shatter your worldview and understanding of what’s possible. It might be a tall tale or a pipe dream, but I still think of it whenever I’m just hanging around outside around dusk.