My wife and I recently got a charcoal smoker/grill after our old bullet smoker finally rusted through. It came with a pizza oven attachment and we’ve been slowly perfecting our dough and cooking techniques.

The combo of sourdough and high temperature baking produces the exact sort of crispy, chewy, slightly charred pizza experience I crave. We’re constantly rotating through different topping combos (and begging friends to come over so we can make more pizza without having to gorge ourselves).

Favorite so far is probably the spicy honey aged garlic pizza, but it’s all been fantastic. Any got any good pizza topping suggestions? Unusual options especially appreciated.

    1 year ago

    That looks amazing! I recently picked up Bread Illustrated by America’s Test Kitchen and their dough recipe blew me away. It sounds like yours must be similar with the 24hr+ dough recipe.

    Anyway, I’m a fan of pineapple and pepperoni for toppings. I know pineapple is controversial but that sweetness with the salt of the pepperoni is pretty great.