If anyone would like to help me set up these communities and/or mod, please get in touch. This place is what we make it and I’d love some fresh ideas. I mod a number of smaller science subreddits and would like to help make this place just as nice, if not better!

  • @macracanthorhynchus
    31 year ago

    I’ve been admiring all of your work around here, and will post plant content as I generate it. Question: Is there a Lemmy equivalent for whatisthisplant yet? If not, should it live on this instance?

    Also, I’ve been thinking that this instance would look good with a beekeeping community. So should I just, like, create one?

    • @fossilesqueOPM
      21 year ago

      Hi, this is a housplant general community. We’ve started a plant ID one here: !plantid@mander.xyz . Working on a bot this weekend. :)

      Please make a beekeeping community here! The great thing about Lemmy is that you can have a few different beekeeping communities, and you can pick the ones you like or make your own. They’re more like clubs than institutions.

  • @Doombot1@beehaw.orgM
    31 year ago

    I’m part of a different instance but I think I’m still able to mod on other instances? I’ve done only a very small amount of moderating and am not sure how much time I’d be able to put in - but I would potentially be interested!

  • @fossilesqueOPM
    21 year ago

    No experience is required, just a love of plants and a bit of time when you have it. These communities are pretty easy. :)

  • SpaceBarM
    21 year ago

    I mod 3 small communities. If you still want help, I will pitch in.