You know, I’ve started to realize something…a lot of negative stereotypes about different races, are all admirable qualities in white culture.
Anything a black person would do that would get him called the N-word? If a white guy did it, he would be praised for being manly.
Just about any antisemitic stereotype you can think of about Jews, white people have done. And proudly. Case study: Old Money WASPs that people say with a straight face are the real oppressed group. Right down to the whole ‘crying out in pain as they strike you’ bit.
Emotional Support Truck is for internal feefees, it’s more like a security blanket
A giant, shiny, expensive, deadly blankey
Also, I have seen more white guys throw tantrums about their trucks than black guys getting upset about scuffed shoes
You know, I’ve started to realize something…a lot of negative stereotypes about different races, are all admirable qualities in white culture.
Anything a black person would do that would get him called the N-word? If a white guy did it, he would be praised for being manly.
Just about any antisemitic stereotype you can think of about Jews, white people have done. And proudly. Case study: Old Money WASPs that people say with a straight face are the real oppressed group. Right down to the whole ‘crying out in pain as they strike you’ bit.