so this post is now “hot” because someone decided to necropost here?
The filter needs some serious work. I keep seeing way too many ancient posts on “hot”Link to issue. You can see people’s theory of why it’s happening there.
I just use “Top 6 Hours” for now.
So this article is from 2021. Does anyone know what actually happened? I’m assuming the source code was never made public and nothing bad happened to truth social but I’d love to be proven wrong.
They released the source code.
From Wikipedia:
On October 21, 2021, the Software Freedom Conservancy group stated they suspected Truth Social had violated Mastodon’s AGPLv3 license by not offering its source code to all users. The Mastodon developers then formally requested that Truth Social comply with the terms of the software license, with Truth Social publishing its source code as a ZIP file on the website on November 12, 2021. On February 22, 2022, the source code download was moved to the website’s legal section. A mirror of the source code is available at GitHub, where it was uploaded by uninvolved individuals.
This is hilarious
a little update on the situation, looks like Truth Social has 30 days to comply or their license is being permanently revoked.
Why am I not surprised.
What does “revoking of license” mean in this context for Truth Social
as far as i understand it, the outcome varies for different licenses but under AGPLv3 the cure provision is that once the 30 days are up, the license is revoked and legally speaking that means Truth social would be not only using but distributing unlicensed software. in that case, Mastodon has full and complete legal grounds to successfully sue them for copyright infringement.