We know what happens with peaceful protests, elections, and foreign interference (and more foreign interference), so how can Palestine gain it’s freedom? Any positive ideas are welcome, because this situation is already a humanitarian crisis and is looking bleaker by the day.

Historical references are also valuable in this discussion, like slave revolts or the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, although hopefully in the case of Palestine a peaceful and successful outcome can be achieved, as opposed to some of the historical events above.

  • nooneescapesthelaw
    9 months ago

    Alot of people are saying if morsi was authoritarian enough he would still be in power. Morsi wouldn’t have become a dictator, because he’s too naive and believed in the system

    Sisi was the leader of mokhabraat (مخبرات) during Mubarak’s regime. Basically he ran the egyptian version of secret police, he would lock up (and execute occasionally) Morsi’s allies and any others dissenters.

    Instead of executing him or sending him to jail. Morsi, who wanted to mend the relationship between factions, promoted him to the minister of defense. A position which he used to coup morsi.

    In the 11 months he ruled, Morsi showed no sign of going dictator, doesn’t seem like he has it in him. He seemed like a big believer in democracy, but who knows what would’ve happened.

    In other words, he was not planning to do so at the time. Else he would have consolidated military power instead of handing it over to his biggest enemy…

    • bartolomeo@suppo.fiOP
      9 months ago

      Sorry for all the questions but I have one more- you mentioned he showed no sign of wanting to be a dictator but what about:

      In November 2012, Morsi issued a provisional constitutional declaration that granted him unrestricted authority and the authority to legislate without the need for judicial oversight or review. This was a move to stop the Mubarak-era judges from getting rid of the Second Constituent Assembly.[5] The new constitution that was then hastily finalized by the Islamist-dominated constitutional assembly, presented to the president, and scheduled for a referendum before the Supreme Constitutional Court could rule on the constitutionality of the assembly, was described by independent press agencies not aligned with the regime as an “Islamist coup”.[6] These issues,[7] along with complaints of prosecutions of journalists and attacks on nonviolent demonstrators,[8] led to the 2012 protests.[9][10] As part of a compromise, Morsi rescinded the decrees.[11] A new constitution was approved by approximately two-thirds of voters in the referendum,[12] although turnout was less than a third of the electorate.


      • nooneescapesthelaw
        9 months ago

        Interestingly enough the arabic wikipedia page doesn’t say much about that…

        So, for the judicial oversight part. Mubarak had stacked the court with judges that were loyal to him. Morsi knew that they would not approve any new constitution in an effort to slow him down. Basically, they wanted him to go around them in order to poke holes in the people’s new democracy.

        So morsi diluted their power by freeing executive decrees and the constitutional assembly from judicial review

        At the same time, the brotherhood and allies had a 75% majority in parliament, and the secular + coptic representatives felt like they would be steamrolled so they walked out. They couldn’t delay making a new constitution till they had a majority because there was a deadline set in place by the temporary constitution.

        Meaning that on paper and in practicality, he had supreme power. Which he promised to give back…

        We all know how that goes don’t we…

        Well this time it was different, the president actually did give back ultimate power, after pushing the deadline for forming a new constitution.

        Pushing back the deadline contradicts the temporary constitution meaning that it would definitely go to the supreme court. But he got around that.

        Morsi then put the new constitution to a public vote, and it gained 60% approval.

        As for the protestors and journalist issues, when i clicked on the wikipedia article/source it basically talked about rabaa ( a massacre that happened when the brotherhood was overthrown) and how the same things happened under morsi to his opposition (it did not). It linked to another article where it talks about a morsi speech.

        In that speech he called the protestors thugs, and accused them of being paid protestors (this does happen in egypt, and sisi accidentally admitted that it happened when removing mubarak and again when removing morsi. Although i don’t think it was a major factor this time).

        Basically he did say some shady stuff, but that doesn’t mean he is a dictator. I believe that he wasn’t on his way to becoming a dictator because he had ultimate power and gave it away in addition to stuff in the other comment