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Can you give a more detailed plan?
Zenfone 8 and 9 are valid options, I’m using one rn
The DNC spent an absolute fuck ton of money, it’s not chump change at all.
Try mander.xyz, it’s a science instance pretty good
I’ll be dead in the ground before I have to share a countrya Lithuanian
I’m not sure if it’s part of the reason, but you’re sentences are all rather short, therefore the periods and commas are repeated a lot.
Forward swept wings so it can maneuver faster, you’re just looking at it the wrong way
I don’t really know who was doubting it, they had already invaded a couple years prior, it’s not wonder they wanted to finish the job
Why is 45/50 the peak age to be eaten by an animal, a 50 year old, though old can still be a strong fighter. A baby or an old man, or pregnant female is a much easier target.
But that’s not really an issue, humans were “meant” to live to their 70s. Data suggests that before we settled down to one place, that’s when we died, the average is brought down by infant morality
Can someone explain this to me? It seems like I’m sending stuff to obscura, so they can then send it to mullvad, which can then send it to the website? Like a two layer TOR?
Who do you think is paying for the blockade?
In Egyptian arabic we have
The world is a cucumber one day it’s in your hand, the other it’s in your ass
(Kama todeen todaan) Literal translation: As you give debt, you will owe debt. Alternative is as you judge you will be judged. Basically what goes around comes around
Do you have a feather on your head? When some one asks for special treatment, this is usually a response to that. Feather on his head is a reference to the sultan.
We stayed quiet so he came in with his donkey. Or we let him be, so he came with his donkey The proverb means don’t let people walk all over you
Show me the width of your shoulders Something I heard a lot growing up, basically means go away. To show the width of your shoulders, you show your back, hence the expression
Tardigrades have a max lifespan of ~2 years, on average they live months
They are not in any serious danger, let’s wait a year and see if you are correct
If it helps you feel better, I know hundreds of people who have both legs and are still sheila-less
4D chess right here, put economic stress on our allies, but try to help out our enemies.