For me, in no particular order:

  • Firewatch
  • This War of Mine
  • What Remains of Edith Finch
  • Gone Home
  • Papers Please
  • Doki Doki Literature Club
  • I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
    2 年前


    My partner sees my reactions and says “I HAVE TO PLAY THAT”. I tell her it’s an experienced unmatched by any other.

    She begins. She roams around, learning the ropes. She meets a person! They run ahead… and run… and run more… they’re gone. Speedrunner? She is sad. She restarts the program to find another companion. She presses on more, and nothing. Nobody.

    She starts the game over. Finds a new friend. They chirp. She is elated! They’re adventuring for a while, when they stop moving. They sit. They disconnect. She is infuriated. But presses on. ANOTHER FRIEND! Also talkative! They play through, this person a tad more impatient than her. She attempts to keep up, but hits basically EVERYTHING that eats her robe. At the end, she has no robe. Her friend runs ahead. Too far ahead… she doesn’t make it.

    She uninstalls, nearly in tears for the complete opposite reason as myself. Says she’s done and it was awful. :c

    I should have waited until my friend was back on, and asked if he could try to be her Journey partner.