And the history of magical memorandum British stamps
#SaveInvidious #SaveNewPipe Privacy is a human right, thank you Edward Snowden. I post my opinions on subjects wether people agree or not, if you want to disscuss than do so respectfully and ill do the same. Check out my sublemmy 10_0s basement.
And the history of magical memorandum British stamps
Can’t wait to see this in British fields whenever I venture outside the basement!
See how did sharks swim north without the north being there?
Coffee house, somewhere green, walk around town
No not Long Cat!
Based and reality pilled
The self, there is more to life when you make it simple, get the bus to a well trodden walk, mix spices and try new food. The simpler the better. And get offline for a bit, to avoid the happiness and time blackhole of the internet.
Thank you for add nothing to this rule. Do you think OP is in the Lebanese or Iranian government? Do Arabic words just translate to “war in middle east” to you?
Hope this is around when I get a job
I’m a busy bee right now
The point is that the bed doesn’t ask for a price, a ryhme, or a reason for it to do good, it just is.
Gulf of Oman. Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iraq
What’s a Sunday scary?
Your phone