Wait, you’d prefer a rando barrel plug to a standard USB-C PD?? Why?
Tinkering gardening cooking data nerding leftist Chicagoan dad, currently in Spain.
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Learning Mastodon since 2022
Wait, you’d prefer a rando barrel plug to a standard USB-C PD?? Why?
Long ago, pre-internet I read this sci-fi book “Star Chase” by Brian Royal that I found at the library. (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1520203)
I later looked it up and found out it was a blatant plagiarism of “Escape Across The Cosmos” by Gardner F Fox.
Even the authors name was faked!
Not a medical procedure, but take the time to reevaluate your medical plan before open enrollment! Look at the cheaper plans and see how much you’d save in premiums. It might be greater than the difference in max out of pocket. And if you get a qualified “high deductible” plan you can even contribute the savings to an HSA that you get to rollover and keep forever into retirement, without ever paying taxes on it.
There are always people claiming Organic Maps or other OSM apps are perfect replacements for GMaps and I’m just curious what other tool these people were using for location based searches. Because it apparently wasn’t GMaps?
Yes, and so much more…
Look up Nielsen transaction data. Stores use commercially available checkout systems that work with Nielsen for tracking. This data isn’t just for the store itself, but is sold to all sorts of other businesses.
Your credit card also tracks every purchase you make and sells that data. Experian partners with Nielsen.
Stores also use customer tracking and even facial recognition in places where it’s legal or they can get away with it. Look up RetailNext. They sell not only Bluetooth “beacons” for tracking devices within range, but also ceiling/wall mounted devices with cameras for “Shopper Journey” data. These devices track your movement throughout the store and plot the data onto a store floor map to show what products you look at along with all sorts of other stats. They can even differentiate between employee faces and customers.
Lastly, look up how Kogniz uses facial recognition to surveil and flag unwanted people in stores, and potentially even call the cops on you if it thinks you’re a criminal.
And who knows what other commercial tracking services retailers use. If I didn’t see these services advertised to the marketing folks at my job I probably would’ve even know they existed.
Key points:
Temperatures in that part of the Atlantic cooled off more rapidly than at any time in records extending back to 1982. This sudden shift is perplexing because the strong trade winds that normally drive such cooling have not developed.
“We’ve gone through the list of possible mechanisms, and nothing checks the box so far.”
“It’s the latest episode in a string of events for a climate system that’s gone off the rails for a number of years,”
I have this but it’s no good for consent-or-pay, unfortunately.
I think Geometric weather is abandoned but Breezy Weather is a newer fork that’s maintained. I recommend it!
Makes so much more sense than a Cybertruck or Ford Lightning!
@derivator wow it would be amazing if Infinity and Apollo could just plug into Lemmy using this proxy. Right now Jerboa is alright, but I’d immediately switch to Infinity.
#lemmy #Reddit
They constantly force you to update or the app won’t work. I was already having issues with Revolut on GrapheneOS so I just closed my account and switched to Wise. The Revolut app was a bloated mess anyway.