• 70 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Upvote for semi-unpopular opinion.

    I think you’re wrong about the shortage being ‘solved’ by NAT. NAT is great for LAN and WAN in the developed world, but there are billions of folks in remote developing areas where it’s not much help. It also severely limits the big chunks of address spaces that can be allocated to business, universities, governments, etc. It is not a trivial problem waved away by NAT.

    I think it will continue to be a very gradual but relentless rollout of IPv6. Not saying it will be fast. But 30 years from now, if we haven’t destroyed civilization, I suspect IPv4 will be a quaint relic. And IPv6 will never run out of addresses.

  • I need to rewatch the episode, but I also felt like his recognition of him went deeper than “oh yeah, you’re that guy we saw in the street before with Mae”. Same thing with Yord. I could be way off here, but I felt like both of them had some kind of actual history with him. And maybe they didn’t realize it until he was up close and personal, because he was much older / different.