Queue means tail in french
I was going to stand on a queue
Yeah, that tail too
Queue means tail in french
I was going to stand on a queue
Yeah, that tail too
How can you eat beef with people without meeting them ?
I have the same thing but with music
I have a single “like” playlist with ~30 songs and 3/4 of those are only different covers/ arrangements of the same 3 songs
That’s 100% fake, you’re busted
In america it would be a gunfight not a fistfight
Nintendo, ubisoft, blizzard, every Microsoft studio etc…
I believe they were talking about things like knowing the difference between “your” and “you’re”
Open the enclosure and a window
Build houses
Not a shit ton
Just as many as I can build that are high quality and easily maintainable
Sir, this is lemmy
A million pounds you say …?
Yo mama
Sorry, I had to x)
You’re ambidextrous anyway because you’ve been playing the piano since your third birthday !
slightly off grammer
This comment is a scam !
Yet, the best hand dryers are still your trousers