• 1 Post
Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月8日


  • I’m not comparing it to racism, you’re taking the wrong point from that. Protests aren’t supposed to make you comfortable. They are meant to disrupt, even if you are just trying to mind your own business. Not every white person in my analogy is racist or against black rights, my point was to show how dumb they would be for voicing annoyance. Climate protestors didn’t ruin your life or even your day, just like sit in protestors didn’t harm anyone else. You are just dramatic and have main character syndrome.

  • That’s very extreme lol.

    There were a few deaths throughout my time in public school. I didn’t think too much about the people I didn’t know. Only 1 person that I was friends with, so I did attend his memorial at which i cried. I think its normal to not spend too much time thinking about the deaths of people you don’t know.

  • I’m not well versesd in the laws of the other countries listed in this post, but i think the inplication is that the governments mandate all the paid time off. You’re coworker has maternity leave because the company you work for offers it.

    If the worst employment situations don’t include paid time off, then that proves it’s not mandatory for workers in the US to have.

  • My American high school did this in preparation for prom night. Two teachers would play the role of the parents, and they would tow a couple of totalled cars onto the football field. The entire school would be paraded out into the stadium to watch the police come and tell the parents their child was killed after driving under the influence.

    The DJ at my senior prom played a song where the chorus said something along the lines of “Put your hands up if you’re an alcoholic”. Of course everyone (17 & 18 years old) threw their hands up and danced to that one.

  • Recognizing when people need help and support doesn’t mean you are trying to justify illegal acts. No one said stealing is ok. Just because you understand the root of the problem doesn’t mean you are giving it a pass. This is why people with mental disorders still face consequences for their actions. However, if rehabilitation is something you value, then it is important to recognize that their needs may be different than other people’s for rehabilitation to be successful. Punishment with no attempt at helping a person overcome their afflictions is just a guarantee that they will act out again.