As if there are not evil companies that deserve death.
Not from State Farm. Sorry to disappoint. I’m just a half-Iranian American exploring the fediverse. I am interested in science, tech, philosophy, animals, comedy, a wide range of music, and even politics. Though the politics in my country are plain depressing atm.
As if there are not evil companies that deserve death.
Philip Luty managed to make machine guns in his garage out of square stock. It is only a matter of will.
Looks like you didn’t read the post, it’s literally being used by oppressed ethnic minorities in Myanmar against a military dictatorship.
The Magicians- the musical episodes are amazing.
deleted by creator
Ivan is the shit!
After finding out about Diddy and after Epstein’s “suicide” I am starting to doubt anyone in entertainment is not a worthless wretch.
I don’t understand this. What is wrong with a stable company that maintains its size?
What recent news?
Private equity destroying another productive company.
You obviously haven’t been on all the meme sublemmies that are nothing but capitalism bad.
Looks like a tree branch to me.
Definitely better than what I am seeing online.
This video was privated.
Would bottled water kefir be a suitable starter the way unpasteurized bottled kombucha can?
I am in Utah, near the capital city. I have found one company that sells bottles of water kefir and kombucha that said they would sell me starter kefir grains for 5 USD. I would just have to pick it up at their head quarters.
Why would we want people comfortable speeding?
What’s wrong with snap?