It looks like someone took the original movie and passed it through an AI filter to make it look real.
It is uncanny and bad looking in this lifeless way.
No we are just out of resources to scrape. Everyone already owns them and the rich don’t openly fight the rich.
The new resources are the minutes of the workers lives while they are not working. Our thoughts on brands and policy. The new children that can be workers for life. And occasionally any new area that might not already have a drill and mine in it currently they might be able to make one work in like Greenland or the ocean floors.
There is just a new fight among those that already have everything for whatever more they can get and there simply isn’t much left to go around.
A bunch of them believe the end is coming for them or for all of us. This is just about getting the highest score before it comes.
My family has some cops. My great uncle brags about robbing a house party cause he knew the kids wouldn’t be able to stand up to him and his buddies without parents while drunk.
My grandfather brags about drunk driving in his squad car and all the brown people he put under and how he would feed them to the crocs if he was able.
Both wife abusers.
To much sociopathy among people and not enough social shame.
CPS are basically useless or power tripping with no in-between. They got called on my incubator 3 times with the first being for beating my adopted brother so hard with. 2x4 it broke his skull around his eye socket.
We were told we had a great mother and shouldn’t be such a hassle for her to deal with after being in the house for 5 minutes. The incubator said that she would make sure we died before any of us were taken away from her.
Adults are mostly people pretending to be or see what they want to feel good about themselves, and thinking they are justified in doing whatever they want because they have simply existed longer. Few even consider sonder, less their own chance of being the monster.
People claim they have no interesting stories and then will tell me tales of happy childhoods where they had parents support and love them and they went on road trips and had the joy of just being a child and I can’t help but think of that fantasy world they got to live for all those years as something beautiful and beyond what human experience for most of our history was even capable of.
People toss off the casual miracles cause they lack shine but having a parent that didn’t rape and abuse is quite an interesting story to me.
I’m sorry, be strong and outlive the fuckers so that we can confirm that they die.
There is not a worst, people can be so many shades of despicable. But if you want a story.
When I was in high school a good friend of mine and my girlfriend’s pretended to be gay and in the closet so that he could get my GF to pretend to be his GF to “make sure his parents wouldn’t know”. We both wanted to help him out so it was fine.
In fact he just wanted to be in a relationship with her and figured it was the fastest and easiest way. Even her pretending was not good enough for him and just a starting point.
He would go on to start a rumor about me that was so vile it got me suspended from school and detained by the police, while I was away he raped the girl he pretended to love and when she freaked out pushed her in front of a car.
Like all the monsters in the world, they were just a person with sick twisted ideas of what they were owed and no, there isn’t and wasn’t karma or retribution against him. The world folds up and quietly moves on desperate to look away from the things that are to harsh to stare at for long by those pretending the world to be something better in blind hope that people are inherently good.
Essentially as long as it’s never shown to anyone and considered a non viable product they can claim the budget which was lost against their profit when doing taxes.
It lowers the amount of profit it looks like they had that year and this reduces the taxes they owe.
This is done in lots of industries all over the place, grocery stores toss lots of food and mark it for loss to keep taxes low as long as you never lower the costs so cheap that it isn’t worth it. Electronic components as well, chips being a usual one for throwing some away to quickly lower profits.
Agreed. Absolutely agreed.
She offered so little in the first place that the fact that she was told to offer even less with expectations that it would make her win the more desperate masses because it wasn’t anything “bad™” at least… It’s a huge statement on what they want to offer and what they expect in return:
The answer to both is simply, nothing.
Give nothing and expect nothing in return so that things hopefully stay the same. It’s a massive failing of politics right now.
No to your LOL.
No to your insisting on the deserved pain you seem to think justified.
No to your childish perceptions.
No to your lack on introspection and critical thought.
No to your thought that all must be damned for the sins of others.
The no is to you. I reject you. You aren’t even having a conversation and I don’t care about your personal held superiority.
Nothing is more cruel than war
That promise for housing gets misquoted as well as what she actually offered was:
First generation homebuyers who no one in their family has ever owned a house, after paying rent in a government approved rental firm for 2 years could get up to $25,000. And stated starter homes would cost between $300,000 and $800,000 dollars depending on location.
She did have a point to ask Congress to pass legislation to slow people buying more than 50 single family homes.
This was lost to her wealthy advisors telling her to not go through with these plans as they would impact the investment opportunities of housing.
She barely even got to flash before the DNC tried to reign in anything that might change things.
War surely is cruel isn’t it.
Back to pure black and white with you. It mentioned Nazi somewhere, so a stance against discussion itself. If that was about ideology I get it, no nuance to a person wanting oppression of others, but you are just using the concept to block the conversation on whether you are right or wrong to be able to pass judgement on an entire country.
You use it as an excuse to not think critically and ease your mind on a complicated issue.
It’s like you are using the phrases incorrectly to be devoid of empathy not with. Well I read your links, engaged to see what your point is and find it still to be nothing other than a false purity test to disconnect yourself.
You do not engage with reality so I will not engage with you.
This reads so sci-fi dystopian.
I feel like nuance is dead for you. Black and white and whatever makes for justification.
So, your statement that the country is Nazi and doesn’t deserve support is people voting for a street name to a guy they forgot was a Nazi like most of NASA in the US or many businesses in Germany and that there are more alt right groups acting up and joining civilian battalions which is true of Italy, Germany, Poland, USA, India, Russia, Argentina, Philippines, etc…
You have taken a piece to willingly believe the whole you want.
A person can be an abusive parent but a great teacher, people can be great caregivers but racist, countries can be invaded by others for resources while struggling with internal issues.
I’m not sure you have a point here other than that because they have an issue within them they deserve anything that happens to them. It’s a false purity test cause nothing passes. When chickens do this in the wild they end up pecking each other to death trying to get the blood off each other. Do not have the same mentality as a chicken.
Also a double joke cause I am on .lol which is not blocking the piracy community.