I can’t believe these dumbasses are making me hope for MORE bureaucracy
I can’t believe these dumbasses are making me hope for MORE bureaucracy
The last time, when he was approaching 100 days in office, someone said that it felt like we were living in dog years. It’s true, this week has been incredibly long and it won’t get better.
I live in Florida and a coworker asked on which side is the Atlantic, and on which side was the Gulf. My judgement was not very secret because I was completely in shock. I’m still not over it.
Funny how it’s all about perspective. For me, going to a Caribbean island was a short flight away. Extravagant meant going to Europe for 2 weeks. Also Disney World
They usually get dislodged when it’s time for bed, and now they want to tell you EVERYTHING
Even if it did start at conception, the real argument is about bodily autonomy. No one can be forced to donate any part of their body to keep someone else alive. Nobody can take your blood without your permission, why should women have their bodies taken without theirs?
Florida needs to stop rebuilding in the barrier islands. It’s unfortunate for the people that live there, but this is going to keep happening over and over again.
Just plant mangroves and let them do their job of protecting the mainland.
It was ridiculously huge. I’m in Orlando, and when we were getting the first bands of wind, the eye of the storm was still over the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico
Do you think people are walking across the Darien Gap or the dessert just because? Do you think human rights and infrastructure are so amazing in these other countries that people just come here for the adventure and the vibes?
It “feels like” 96°F where I live 😫. I don’t like the cold, but this is also a lot.
My school district in Florida uses a payment service called “My School Bucks”. I use it to reload the cafeteria account, but also to pay for other things like before and after school. So far they haven’t charged a use fee. Lunch is about 3.25 (my kid doesn’t buy it often), but breakfast is free.
No, but if there’s a decent possibility that you might die if someone is not careful with your food, and you don’t have access to an epi pen, then why risk your life for a single meal?
WhatsApp is the opposite of annoying, that’s why the entire planet uses it, except U.S. Americans for some reason
Why are you a monster? Thai curry is fucking delicious!
What are you talking about? Don’t you also draw a line when you choose to eat plants? I don’t think they would agree to that. Untill humans develop the ability to photosynthesize, we are going to have to eat other species, there’s no way around it.
Even though you’re right, context is also important. They’re talking about working in an office, so it shouldn’t be difficult to understand that they’re referring to working 8 hours, from 6:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Parvovirus is going to kill them way before the heartworms have a chance
I thought he was going to pick MTG or Boeboert, to be honest