• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • You could always do the old tile-cutting trick. Use the saw to cut a sponge. Now you have a sponge that perfectly fits inside the hole saw. Get it wet, and leave it in the saw when you cut. Now your hole saw will be cooled by the water in the sponge.

    It’s an old trick for when you can’t easily keep running water on a tile saw while cutting a hole. Cuz you typically cut tile under water to prevent your blade from heating up. But if that’s not feasible, you can essentially just fill your saw blade with water instead.

  • I mean, the dude is undeniably mentally ill, and he likely refuses to treat it because the meds make him feel “numb” and he makes music when he’s manic. But mania is on the same classification as schizophrenia, and comes with many of the same issues.

    But yeah, in Kanye’s case he’s just a fucking Nazi who happens to have rampant untreated mental illness. The mental illness doesn’t excuse the Nazi bullshit.

  • Sure, he’s mentally ill, but that also doesn’t excuse being a nazi. It may explain it, but he still deserves to be punched in the mouth for it.

    It’s also disingenuous and harmful to just use mental illness to attempt to dismiss it. People with mental illness already have a hard enough time living their lives without being compared to literal nazis.

    Mental illness doesn’t magically make you a Nazi. Plenty of manic people just think they can fly, or make really nice art. But instead, this dude uses his platform to boost nazis.

  • In the situation that OP raises, I ask myself: “Does Newton or Gandalf win this argument?”

    Exactly. Does the bullet remain moving at the speed it already was? Or does the conservation of momentum require that it slows as it grows larger (and heavier)? If so, it would basically be useless as a weapon, because a handheld firearm couldn’t exert enough force to actually fire a cannonball any effective distance; At most, it can only exert as much force as the recoil exerts on the character. And a 12 lb cannonball would get rolled across the floor by the recoil, but not fired across the room.

    I’d probably rule it’s somewhere in between, because “rule of cool” is just plain fun and that’s why we’re all playing the game. Having it be a full blown “it fires cannonballs at full speed across the room” weapon is obviously super broken. But maybe I rule that the bullets aren’t near the ring long enough to fully regrow, but it gets a +2 modifier to damage because you’re effectively firing rifle sized rounds with a handgun.

    Or maybe I rule that they slow down as they grow, but the spell takes some time to wear off, which limits the maximum range and effectively makes it a devastating close-up weapon, but relatively useless at longer distances.

    The point is that the players worked for it, and get some sort of payoff. Even if it’s not a complete game-breaking reward.

  • TPB and 1337x are torrents, whereas Anna’s Archive typically uses direct downloads. So it’s more akin to the old CoolROMs back before the massive takedown purges.

    Anna’s Archive does offer torrents, but it’s not for individual files. Their torrents are more like database backups, with thousands of books each. In fact, people will download and seed them to help increase AA’s resilience. Since they aren’t super useful for individual files, very few people use them as such. But clearly, Meta just used them to feed into an LLM, because they didn’t care about the content of the files as long as they were properly written. It was less “looking for your favorite fantasy book” and more “looking to grab every fantasy book ever written.”

  • Here’s a reminder that the Black Panthers got started because cops kept violently busting peaceful unarmed protests. People realized that the cops would send in the jackboots to bust unarmed protests… But they would politely watch heavily armed protests from across the street. So they began arming protestors.

    Turns out, firing into an unarmed crowd is super easy, but it’s not so easy when the entire crowd also has weapons. Maybe you take out a few with your initial attack, but you definitely didn’t get all of them and now they can return fire.

    It’s also why republicans started modern gun control with the Mulford Act. It was (at least at the time) the most restrictive gun control law the country had ever seen. When politicians saw armed protestors on their front porch, and saw cops entirely unwilling to stop it? They got really fucking sweaty really fucking fast. Ronald Reagan (yes, the same Reagan that conservatives love to put on a pedestal as the paragon of conservative policy) enacted the gun control law to disarm protestors and give cops justification to bust armed protests. Now, instead of busting the protest directly when it’s happening, cops could wait and quietly follow the protestors home, then kick in their front doors while they were eating dinner… Sound familiar?

    This pushed the armed protestors underground, and formed the Black Panthers.