• 35 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • No, again.

    I didn’t make a stance, I didn’t say they’re not that bad. I asked why everyone immediately shit on them, and then I asked for more information when your examination seemed contradictory in one area.

    You keep putting words in my mouth and getting angry at me for them.

    You gave me a reasonable explanation at first, and then when I asked for clarification about a part that seemed contradictory to me, I was immediately met with anger, accusations, and a repeated claim that all my questions had been answered.

    Someone else actually gave me a pretty decent answer, but then they deleted their reply before I could follow up with them 😢. It was more about posturing than about economics (although when governments posture, economics are always impacted)

  • What?

    Why am I getting down votes?
    How am I shitting on anything? What am I even shitting on? \

    All I’m doing is asking “why do we shit on teriffs and treat them as inherently bad?”
    Im trying to have a discussion in good faith, and rather than having any of my questions explained or answered I’m just down voted and vaguely demeaned.

    I’m being very clear I do not support whatever shit trump is doing, I’m trying to understand why people just hate tariffs.
    I don’t understand how, if the importer bares all tariff costs, what would disincentivize a foreign nation from exporting to us since they bear no increased costs. Why would this not just appear as a decrease in demand, from their perspective?