Ð prȯblem ƿið ıvin Gates z ð læk v demėkrætik kėntcrol v hau hiz mu̇nı getſ yuzd. İf H dju̇ſt diſuıdid t ku̇t ð luın ƿu̇n deı æ g fᵫl þrȯtėl ȯ megėyatſ, nobȯdı ƿᵫd bı eıbėl t d djæk t ſeı no t ðæt.
The problem with even Gates is the lack of democratic control of how his money gets used. If he just decided tk cut the line one day and go fill send on megayachts, nobody would be able to do jack to say no to that.
Rıl “lᵫk ƿėt Y meıd M d!” enerdjı ėkyuzıŋ M v bııŋ ð eneıblṙ f n ſitıŋ daun æ teıkıŋ Y eneıblıŋ fæcizm ƿ enıþıŋ leſ kritikėl ðæn “yeſ tceıṙmæn v koṙſ tceıṙmæn ðoz næſtıƿæſtı eſtæblicmint ilıtſ ƿil cṙlı lṙn Ðıṙ leſėn ðiſ tuım tceıṙmæn!”
Real “look what you made me do!” energy accusing me of being the enabler for not sitting down and taking you enabling fascism with anything less critical than “yes chairman of course chairman those nastywasty establishment elites will surely learn their lesson this time chairman!”