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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • Ok, the source of the judgement doesn’t eclipse me, nor do I see how that could be derived but you got there somehow so…

    I’m speculating on the whether citizens united rescinds the gmnts ability to demand money, writ large, as that would impinge our 1st amendment. Punitive judgements, between separate parties neither of which are the government such as with Jones v Sandy Hook parents, I would assume wouldnt be effected because the judge is basically performing arbitrage. The DOL, permitting, and taxes are wholly separate issues. Likewise the EPA bringing a corp to court over pollution, or the SEC against bad actors illegally manipulating pump and dump. Not that cases like that couldn’t exist, but not with a government agency as an aggrieved party.

    Ya follow? I don’t think its a difficult thought experiment.

  • So your clear on this going forward; the first amendment protects a persons speech from repercussions from the government. That’s it. Not from aggrieved parties. Not even from businesses deciding to sue. It means your city or state can’t censor you - the rest of society ABSOLUTELY can tho.

    Free speech doesn’t mean you get to say whatever you want. Free speech means the government has to argue you back, if it decides, and not use the power of the state, and it’s monopoly of the use of violence against you.

    If you want to burn a cross, go ahead. But you’re also free to experience the consequences within yr community - the government isn’t going to protect your decision to be inflammatory. In both ways in this particular case.

    What I want to know, is if money is free speech and the government cannot impinge on that right, then how the fuck can the government charge us for ANYTHING, be that fines or services. All should of been rendered moot with citizens united.

  • I witnessed 5 police officers all hit a man on the ground with their tasers. Broad daylight.

    Died on the scene of a heart attack. Apparently natural causes. The polices internal investigations found the police did no wrong, imagine that.

    Unless you make enough money that you can regularly “donate” to the force, I suggest that you assume they are not there to help you and you protect yourself accordingly

  • They are thinking the got the customer by the balls because they’re a state sanctioned monopoly. They’re so big the CEO of Samsung has essentially the same power as the SK president.

    Every major corp out of SK is a state sanctioned monopoly. The government tells Samsung “make washing machines now” and Samsung does.

    I know it’s been widely overlooked to allow South Korea to economically develop after the armistice, cold war and all, but at some point the rest of the free trading world is going to have to hit them with tariffs to protect native, or critical industries.

    Frankly I’m really tired of looking the other way for any reason. Every other day it’s a headline about how some government or multinational led the public on a 20 year gaslighting campaign. If I were to say, “hey did you hear that story about XXXY(any well known mega corp)?” Do you think I’d have a positive wholesome story to share? No. Because there never is. The structure of a corporation is set up to protect financiers from liability from the crimes theyre guaranteed to commit thru abusive, shortsighted, toxic business. It’s literally the fucking point. But we don’t have to accept that, and we don’t have to choke back and somehow keep down our sense of justice, or be passively complicit, which is to nueter your morality, your sense of self

    Our individual actions do matter in this case. Like don’t buy shit off Temu, theyre using slave labor. Don’t endorse that. Don’t buy anything out of Dubai or Saudi Arabia, they, also, keep slaves. Don’t support slavery. Including wage slavery. Don’t do business with Israel until an non Zionist coalition is back in charge. Don’t buy anything Russian. Genocide is not an acceptable modern practice. It CAN’T be. Boycott Mississippi and Louisiana as well, since they like to let their prisoners die of treatable conditions and bury them in unmarked graves. That is ALSO a genocide. Don’t fucking fund crimes against humanity. This is kindergarten levels of sophistication.

    And hopefully enough people will actually live their morals and gain seats of power, because we have to. Otherwise waves hands THIS.

  • SoylentBlake@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.ml4 sosp'cks to 1 kitt
    1 month ago

    The most common place to find .1" is on micrometers. And that’s just fine until you need to switch it back to imperial or metric for the next processing…which the rest of your tooling is in.

    .1" is roughly 2.54mm

    .1", fractionally is ~7/64

    7/64 is roughly 2.77mm

    See how this is recipe for disaster?

  • This is due to activist investors.

    That’s people who’ll buy up enough stock to be allowed at shareholders meetings and then they’ll fucking DRILL the C-suite non-stop, derailing the meetings.

    It’s a good strategy, even if it forces you in bed with evil. Make the rest of the shareholders undeniably knowledgeable and then theyll have to contend with shame or don the moniker themselves. Or start demanding ethical business practices themselves, which is what the lawsuit is ultimately trying to avoid.

  • SoylentBlake@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.ml4 sosp'cks to 1 kitt
    1 month ago

    You do you boo but Metrics fucking awesome. It’s simple, conversions are super easy, etc. it’s just basic numbers. You can thoughtlessly multiply or divide (assuming you could thoughtlessly do that before).

    You want a real shite headache? Try translating tenths of inches. I’d just burn the blueprints and tell them to try again.

  • I mean, yes and no. Pearl harbor wasn’t the only place hit 12/7. Philipines, Guam and Wake were all hit as well

    Hong Kong and Singapore were also attacked and the empire invaded Malaysia.

    America took a sharp hit square in the face, but Britain got sent home in a body bag at the end of 1941. By Feb 1942 the UK had lost all of Malaysia, lost Hong Kong and lost Singapore. They lost 12,000 troops, the rest surrendering. Zero soldiers made it home. Out of 120,000. Australia and New Zealand were in extreme danger and the Raj was expecting assault at any moment. I’m the spam of a few months Japan had sunsetted the largest empire the world had ever seen.

    America had never been pit against such an enemy. You have to take all of WW2 into that context. Fuck in WW1 they played soccer across no-man’s-land on Christmas. The next year the Canadians had arrived and…well…I’m not saying shit about canuckistani military just that over half of the geneva convention exists because of Canada.