Is there a simple list of demands?
Is there a simple list of demands?
A bird flu pandemic would do that too. Without ruining the environment.
Astronomy. I’m a merit badge counselor. But every time I set up in my yard I invite friends and neighbors.
Genealogy. I’m working on trees for several friends. I’d like to do it for money, but the pay isn’t there.
How long before this type of behavior gets you thrown out of a window?
Like crocodile but not spelled that way.
And if it splits. Either by branch (Marines one way, Navy the other) or by smaller units.
This is a major plot point of The Dispossessed by Le Guinn.
Oh my god this makes me feel so old.
The State is in distress. Who will answer the call? Who will come it’s aid? We have all been summoned.
When the reckoning comes, there won’t be much care taken in selecting the guilty.
45 years for me. Greyhawk and Blackmoor supplements were new. OD&D before there was an O. Yes, I’m over 60.
My best friend’s daughter irl decided to charm the bugbear guard. I made puppy dog eyes at her while her parents giggled their asses off. She was thirteen at the time.
My concerns:
How do I know that someone with access to the list of members won’t get bribed or blackmailed into sending it to the cops?
How do I know that this isn’t just a front for cops?
A strike needs simple demands that can be met in short order. If they can’t meet the demand, you can’t end the strike. Demanding “Climate Action” is a non-starter.
Being composed of a large number of separate organizations makes a unified voice all but impossible. The message must be simple and consistent.
IMO, first step is enumerate the new order. A clear and concise foundational document of some kind. A new constitution? A set of amendments? A new Bill of Rights? Get to the core, don’t just list grievances.
Vanguard trades occur at end of day.
I use “Getting by. We’re all just getting by.” I usually get a reply like, “Ain’t that the truth.” More real, and it invites an attitude of being in it together.
You could try oven cleaner…
So when there is a critical shortage of teachers and bus drivers, will they call in the military to perform those tasks?