I accidentally watched The man who wasn’t there in black and white and it became my favorite way to watch it.
I accidentally watched The man who wasn’t there in black and white and it became my favorite way to watch it.
Oh I can feel the trickle!
And then proceed to spoil the movie by telling what’s going to happen. Oh, you’re devious genius!
I see. Thankfully I don’t listen to any podcasts at all.
There’s a difference between “both siding” and criticizing everything you disagree regardless of where it comes from. Bill’s humor is that of a comically grumpy character.
The friendzone always sucks. Sometimes you can become colleagues, but real friends? You’re just hurting yourself for longer.
I’m sure EDB isn’t the only one in town selling support contracts for open source applications. It is a lucrative business.
That’s because pidgeonholing people into “generations” has always been stupid. The common thread is an absolute lack of empathy. Let’s just call them “late boomers”. And if there are decent boomers, just call them “early Xers” or “late silent” accordingly.
If Oracle works for the application and you want to save money, you’ll stick to SQL. Probably Postgres, MySQL, or MariaDB.
Turns out when you’re born with a silver spoon in hand and are a dumb sociopath, you win in life instead of living in prison.
The high leadership were absolute bozos, except for their propaganda guy (Goebel?). And at the lower levels, they had good engineering (still do). Thankfully the higher ups were more interested in building an über-weapon (because that’s good propaganda) than actually winning the war.
Let’s hope the current crop of nazis se their downfall faster. Actually, fuck hope. Let’s make them.
I bet he thinks SQL = MS SQL Server. And nothing else in the front end.
Thanks for that. In this day and age, hearing something positive is a bliss, even it’s just deradicalizing hexers.
Yeah, I wouldn’t mind looking like either of them.
Fuck me. It’s not even an allegory.
Edit: and the police is looking for which law to charge the dancer.
Ok, I do not do superbowl at all. What happened?
Most science puts the age of elders in nomadic prehistoric groups between 60 and 70. Infant mortality was a problem, but once the child was over puberty, they tended to live longer than their early farmer counterparts.
I have programmed in Scheme Lisp in college as the underlying language for Fundamentals of Information Structure. A very adequate language for that purpose. It also taught me the value of text editors that auto completed brackets. Never more.
Anyway, thank you for creating a debloated tool. I will never be able to join you in your development, is all.
I miss back when you could spot the people listening to the same station in traffic. Sometimes you’d vibe together with a total stranger.