dat_math [they/them]

  • 41 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2021


    1. Yes. While I tend to lean towards larger THC:CBD ratios, I consume something with cbd in it daily. Most of the time, this is an edible with 30mg THC and 5mg CBD. I’m not sure what the variability of the dosage is, because the medical cannabis system in my state is fucked up and I don’t think every company is held to the same standards of instrumentation/protocol. I also vaporize flower, but I’m even less certain about dosage with that method because I titrate to the desired effects.

    2. To the best of my knowledge, no. Here are the limits to my (un)certainty in that statement:

    While the institution employing me offered the service, I did 2 PCR tests per week (between late 2020 and early 2022). Since then, I have taken a sequence of rapid tests on the few occasions I’ve had symptoms. The only time I’ve felt really ill (and not just having a scratchy throat or stuffy nose, symptoms which also prompted rapid tests), I had conjunctivitis. I tested the discharge from my eyes, nose, and throat with mulitple rapid tests during that infection and all were negative. I’m extremely lucky that I was able to live reclusively for the early years of the pandemic, but I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if I had an asymptomatic infection at some point despite considerable caution.

  • Why must I explain cow maintenence in India when all i wanted to know was why vegans dont consume dairy?

    If you’ll humor me, I’m walking you through a few of the reasons.

    Its a yearly thing, baby is born, baby stays for 5 or so months, then when they are good on grass, they are either sent off to another cow keeper, farmer if ox or kept

    As you describe, typically, the calves are separated from their mother, whose excess milk is then harvested and consumed by humans like you. The male calves are culled, eaten, or (rarely) used for breeding. This alone is fundamentally exploitative and vegans like me believe supporting it is morally reprehensible. But if that isn’t sufficiently questionable for your scruples, in order to produce the separated calf (and stimulate milk production), the dairy cows are regularly forcibly inseminated. When they are no longer productive, they are culled and their carcasses are deconstructed and sold for as much profit as possible. Obviously cows cannot consent to any of this.

    s it that hard to comprehend cows living peacefully in a country that considers them sacred

    If that country allows the proliferation of an industry that profits from the extraction of products oftheir bodies, yes.