ay mates lelkins here

“We support Marxist-Leninist-Lelkinism 🫡” -SadArtemis at one point

  • 17 Posts
Joined 15 days ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2024


  • thank you for the comment! i am just too scared to be wrong, especially about romania. i can’t afford being confidently wrong either. all i hear are fascist adjacent junk everywhere i go and i know the whole “most romanian citizens would like to have ceausescu again” statistic from a long-ish time ago

    sadly my place is so reactionary it hurts

  • honestly i feel the same.

    people just refuse to listen to me, as if i am a 12 year old child prone to saying improvised stories and everything is disregarded with “yea ok”

    i keep getting told why i don’t talk to people or even to some relative who i don’t get along, like one time they insulted my linux computer and kept telling me to allow him to have opinions when he kept insulting my computer, a gift i got years ago, for not having retina display (apple fan). he just shouted at me.

    i have issues related to interactions with others and i don’t even know if people are truthful. i always ask if they are angry at me because people just get pissed off at me

    romania politically is so confusing to me, everyone mentions soros and shit, it’s a right winger mess. just wait for romcom or someone else, i am not good at knowing my own country that i feel like a foreigner in


    did i do the emote right? if ye, then goodie!

    if not, have this regular emojicon: 🫂