• 5 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • I’m going to provide a counter-example to disprove. A slot machine is a video game that is not a puzzle since there is no solution.

    I agree with “Most video games are puzzle games” though. There are exceptions like Rail Shooter. Button mash only game. Bullet hell games don’t really have a puzzle element since solution is already shown by areas having no bullets in them.

    I feel like this statement also hinges on “all video game strategy is a puzzle” people might disagree with.

  • That’s a common misconception. The word “barba” in Spanish and “barbaroi” in Greek have distinct origin of the gibberish “bar bar bar” which is apparently how all barbarian speak. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia page on barbarians under “Etymology”.

    The Ancient Greek name βάρβαρος (bárbaros) ‘barbarian’ was an antonym for πολίτης (politēs) ‘citizen’, from πόλις (polis) ‘city’. The earliest attested form of the word is the Mycenaean Greek 𐀞𐀞𐀫, pa-pa-ro, written in Linear B syllabic script.

    The Greeks used the term barbarian for all non-Greek-speaking people, including the Egyptians, Persians, Medes and Phoenicians, emphasizing their otherness. According to Greek writers, this was because the language they spoke sounded to Greeks like gibberish represented by the sounds “bar…bar…;” the alleged root of the word bárbaros, which is an echomimetic or onomatopoeic word. In various occasions, the term was also used by Greeks, especially the Athenians, to deride other Greek tribes and states (such as Epirotes, Eleans, Boeotians and Aeolic-speakers) and also fellow Athenians in a pejorative and politically motivated manner. The term also carried a cultural dimension to its dual meaning. The verb βαρβαρίζω (barbarízō) in ancient Greek meant to behave or talk like a barbarian, or to hold with the barbarians.

  • Yeah, that’s exactly why the Imperium should embrace Chaos. Chaos has been advocating for the survival of the Imperium for a long time and are actually the good guys. They got so close with the Horus Heresy but the Imperium, being the conservatives they are, decided that it wouldn’t be the best.

    Chaos will give the Empire the power it needs and usher in a new golden age of prosperity and will bring all those filthy Xenos to heel. The Empire is dying, but for it to live the Emperor needs to die. Death to the false emperor. ☀️

  • “Today we’ll learn about the Picts”. I went to school in Iceland, they taught us a lot of Icelandic history and only allocated one week to 600 years of legalised slavery.

    People were not property in Iceland, but, if you didn’t have enough land to support something like 3 cows you were forced to go into service of a farmer for a year. During that year you could leave and die, go to another farm and hope they have food for you or die or swap and get beaten up for not working all waking hours and only maybe die.

    The church backed the people up when Iceland was Catholic but with protestantism land was transferred to Denmark and then leased to the farm-archy (agrarchy?).

    Iceland was poorer than Romania 120 years ago because fishing villages were illegal. All fishing was property of the farmer that was the current master of the person. They also made law that banned people from getting married without permission of the farmer and supposedly there was a lot of gay sex back then.

    I found out about this when I was 30 lol.

  • To expand on that it was during the enlightenment in the early renaissance where people had a boner over the Roman Empire but still thought the medieval Roman Empire (Byzantine) to not be cool. So they came up with a new name for it. A declining empire that had a massive beauracracy, spoke Greek and had the wrong brand of Christianity (Orthodox) is not nice enough to create a glorious image like the Pax Romana did.

    This of course made a lot of people upset in the then Ottoman empire since they identified as Romans but were not counted as Romans according to western people. Think “You’re not Romans with a glorious history, you’re Byzantines” even though they clearly were.

    For extra fun the Byzantine/Roman distinction is also unfair.

    • Eastern Rome always spoke Greek, even at 200AD.
    • Orthodox and Catholic were the same pre-schism.
    • During the decline of the Western Empire the capital was moving a lot anyway so “based in Rome” was soon outdated.
    • During the decline Italy was just another province anyway so “based in Italy” was soon outdated.
    • They were literally the same thing except one half managed to fuck their shit up while getting invaded by hordes of tribes at the same time.