I could get behind that.
I misspelled specific.
I could get behind that.
and you don’t have to deal with the players feigning grave injuries every time they bump into each other.
please do. I love maple syrup, poutine and socialized medicine. It’ll take a while for me to get used to hockey though.
come at me bro
huh. corruption, state capture, kleptocracy. I think elon is just trying to make the US like his home country.
some countries allow citizenship based on ancestry. Germany, Poland, etc. If one or more of your ancestors came from europe you might be eligible to claim citizenship that way. if you can work from home, you might be able to get a long stay visitor’s visa in some countries, which will allow you to live there, but not work in their local market. after a period of time you’d be eligible for permanent residency which would allow you to work there though.
switzerland, but it’s hella expensive there. France has an active hunting scene as well. No hand guns allowed here for civilians, but rifles and shotguns are allowed with a license.
the thing is, pale ales don’t have to suck. with the right hops and the right amount at the right time, it can be almost pleasant. Not my favorite, but i could understand the appeal.
However, you want a good beer, check out a lambic.
jesus, at this rate you might just start raiding local bird nests instead
I’m an american who lives in france, and i brew my own beer. American beer tastes like shit, even the microbrewed stuff. Everyone wants to make an IPA, and they all taste over hopped. It’s either that swill or the staples of the American frat party: bud light, miller light, coors, etc.
Best beers are hands down made in Belgium, and i will throw hands.
I’ll vote for Luigi all damn day. Even if he does get convicted, apparently that doesn’t matter.
so more CO2 more red tide algae? cool
it’s only a coup if it comes from the Coup d’Etat region of France, otherwise it’s just a sparkling government takeover.
stay strapped, friends.
could be worse. It could be raining.
I think that’s just how kids these days make jokes. Strange times indeed
John Brown was a radical Christian, and he’s okay in my book.
El Salvador made an agreement with Trump to accept deportees, irrespective of their nationality. There have been cases of us citizens being deported, mistakenly or not.