Ended up on a rather unpleasant sub on accident, dunno where to post it lol. Not really fit to discuss these issues, but somehow I hear similar takes from leftists in my country from time to time, bruh.

full post screenshot + link

https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/ouq7es/for_the_last_time_feminists_are_antileft_you/ - post link

https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/ad7be930-e318-4c4e-98e1-b8f6397c147e.png - image link if it doesn’t load

very "sane and lucid" roe v wade take

https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/429ec0ac-dffc-4494-852b-2f75c68af535.png - image link

btw the person who posted these seems to be a genshin fan

    • @tisamantis@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      Most of this person’s activity has been on that sub for at least 7 years. They’re not baiting, they’re just obsessed lol. There’s also plenty of people who share their viewpoint.

      I think what motivates them is bitterness, and that they’re likely being disingenuous, but what they’re trying to say is probably similar to what Zyuganov says in the speech below from 2021 that I dug up.

      Zyuganov's strange lines w/ translation

      Note: Zyuganov uses weird expressions that are rarely used in modern speech so it’s a bit weird.

      Headline: “Politicians determined the place of feminism in Russian politics” Text below headline: “Zyuganov said that womens’ parties go against nature”.

      On May 30, the Russian-speaking Internet celebrates “international day of feminism” - an unofficial, if not fake, holiday dedicated to the day of the death of Joan of Arc. Gazeta.Ru talked to Russian senators and deputies about whether feminism is needed in politics and why there is not a single women’s or pro-feminist party in Russia today.

      Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov:

      The most ingenious inventions of nature are a woman, flowers and a bee. The woman gave us all life, she bore all of us under her heart [means “gave birth” or “nurtured”, idk], so bow and show gratitude to her. Due to this, among all peoples everywhere, the mother is especially revered. Flowers germinate, produce seeds, and new plants sprout. And the bee is the main ecologist of the planet. Therefore, a woman should be treated first of all with love and respect. [ It’s not a mistranslation, just nonsense w/ hard to make connections ]

      As for feminism, in my opinion this is a hobby that does nothing good for women. A woman today is forced to raise her children at home, often alone. Why? Because today a man [says “muzhik”] cannot feed his family. We have never had such a disgrace. I have a paternal grandfather, he had eight children, six of them were teachers, he bore everyone [it says so lol], fed everyone, raised everyone. Of course, the Soviet authorities helped, and, in general, it was easier for women. My mother has taught elementary school all her life.

      As for the kindergarten, basically, women’s hands are nursing our children, making them full-fledged citizens, there are also a lot of female teachers in the school, and entire industries are in the hands of women. [means education system is dependent on women]

      I don’t know what feminists do, other than talk a lot, but as for real power, if there were more women in power, there would be more order, more conscience, more care for children and the elderly.

      Therefore, I am in favor of supporting women as much as possible, including by nominating them for deputy positions, for work. But at the same time, we must remember that nature created a woman in order to continue the human race and to decorate and ennoble our lives. Women should be loved, honored, bowed down and respected.

      Women’s parties are complete nonsense. The main purpose of the party is to propose an idea, assemble a strong team, come to power and realize what they promise people. Is a women’s party truly capable of deciding/achieving something alone? Of course not, that is unnatural and abnormal. We have a lot of women in our party - intelligent, literate, they work superbly, many guys take their example and look up to them. The party is an idea. I am against men’s parties, women’s parties, pensioners’ parties, beer lovers’ parties and so on."

      Source: https://www.gazeta.ru/politics/2021/05/28_a_13612496.shtml

      Article features interviews of various Russian politicians from different parties.

      Basically every deputy and statesman interviewed (except 2 women) says “women are cool and we need them in politics, but feminism and women’s parties are a no-no/unnecessary”. Co-Chairman of “A Just Russia” said: “All parties in Russia have women/represent women. Feminism is evil”. Pushkov says “since 60-70s women’s liberation movements have turned into anti-men movements”. As expected, there’s lots of concerns over traditional family roles being degraded and “women will stop having children!!11”, etc.

      This reality is really like a circus sometimes.