• ButtigiegMineralMap
    2 years ago

    But his content that he puts out today, as in 2022, not 30 years ago, is important for an accurate understanding of current politics. I don’t like his work in the 80s/90s but I won’t say that he’s a dirty manipulating liar when he’s OBVIOUSLY telling good info. And above all else, he’s making this controversial info public by reporting it on Democracy Now, idk if you watch them but it’s just a SocDem channel, so convincing them that Ukraine is guilty or how China isn’t escalating things changes a lot of minds, and I can appreciate that he uses his stature and reputation to spread important info

    • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      62 years ago

      I’ll say this, he’s an interesting character. You are right that he says things on mainstream or mainstream adjancent media that few others dare to. Why he does this i don’t know.

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        42 years ago

        I feel that it’s like a better version of Col. Richard Black. If you aren’t familiar with him look him up, US col that puts out content about how Russia is not the bad one. I follow him because his info is correct but I’m very sussed about why he’s posting it, Sachs is at least a bit better/more trustworthy imo

    • Muad'Dibber
      42 years ago

      Its also possible he’s come around on neoliberalism. They use these economists to peddle neoliberalism, which only works as long as they 1) stay ignorant of the effects of neoliberal policies, 2) are bribed, 3) just being intellectually dishonest.

      The rise of the PRC has a lot of even halfway intelligent westerners questioning their core tenets.