TW: antisemitism, brainrot


    152 years ago

    Seems a natural continuation from the isolationist line they’ve been on since Trump and of their general contrarianism. It also seems to be a growing strain among the “New Right” that is anti-war and anti-interventionist at least for the moment. Combine that with 4chan edgelord racism and this is what you get.

    Still better than their former hawkish line I reckon.

      2 years ago

      I think this isolationist or just less hawkish stance that right-wingers are beginning to take is just them realizing that imperialism is coming back to bite them in the ass.

      What else other than a “globalist elite” or whatever were you gonna get out of the colonialist aristocrats and capitalists seeking to conquer as much of the world as possible?

      What else other than “multiculturalism” or whatever were you gonna get from forcibly bringing other nations/cultures under your influence or authority, or from promoting your land as a city on a hill?

      What else were you gonna get besides greed and gluttony from adventuring to other lands merely to plunder riches?

      The far-right has seemingly switched from white supremacy, from the will to conquer and rule all with themselves at the top, to white separatism, a will for global apartheid.

      • KiG V2
        32 years ago

        Possibly, but I don’t even think it starts with such self aware thinking. I suspect it’s more 1) Trump good, 2) Trump shook hands with Kim, so thus 3) Kim good (until further notice, including but not limited to a change to 1)