A bunch of people in my school discord were shaming me for wearing a mask, and when I argued about it they said I was just ugly and wanted to hide it and also that covid was just a cold. The worst part is that one of them was a comrade.

I feel like I can’t trust anyone I know anymore, just a few close friends.

  • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    122 years ago

    Tell them you wear the mask because you can’t stand how terrible everyone smells because some one them obviously don’t bathe regularly. That you’d rather wear a mask and look like a drok them have to smell their sweaty unwashed pits.

    This is no joke a part of why I still wear my mask when I go out in public. I cut out a piece of merve 13 air filter cloth as an insert to my mask. Last time I went to the store without it I almost gagged walking past a few ppl. I never realized how much smell it blocks.