A bunch of people in my school discord were shaming me for wearing a mask, and when I argued about it they said I was just ugly and wanted to hide it and also that covid was just a cold. The worst part is that one of them was a comrade.

I feel like I can’t trust anyone I know anymore, just a few close friends.

  • KiG V2
    202 years ago

    Definitely listen to some other takes besides this but my personal thing…man people are fucked up.

    I don’t know how old you are, but when I was in high school I tried really hard to be friends with people. Both in a vain, corrupt desire for popularity, but also a genuine and wholesome desire to just be kind and have community. TLDR a lot of people ended up being generally shitty to me, it culminated in one incident that led to me losing most of my social group I had spent years trying to build.

    But honestly, looking back? Thank God. Those people were rotten fucking snakes. Just by virtue of you being a human being, you deserve having friends that aren’t being cruel so needlessly like that…and because you just want to not get sick and be careful? Bruh. They sound like scumbags. Unfortunately you will also find that even half of the people who share vaguely the same politics…don’t mean they’re not some POS fair weather friend that would put you in a wood chipper for some addictive Social Brownie Points.

    I have had to learn and relearn the lesson over the past decade-ish that 60-80% of people just straight up suck ass. That doesn’t mean you have to waste energy hating them or discarding their humanity, they are after all just the predictable products of a very very deeply, intimately sick society. I still love everyone as a communist and as a “religious” person. But fuck me if in the day-to-day I’m not hard avoiding contact with so many people. Narcissistic, self-lobotomized, petty, sadistic, back-stabbing, spoiled, ignorant, unforgiving, manipulative, exploitative, boring, copycat, dipshit filthy lying cowards? No thanks.

    Obviously I’m projecting a LOT about my own school experiences here but I hope if I can give anything to you it’s the idea that it is a GOOD thing that you can see this group of people’s true colors. Why waste being friends and giving energy and time to people who would put you in that wood chipper for a cheap laugh? They’ll all try and gaslight you (I hate the overuse of that word but it’s apt here) and make you seem like you’re just being sensitive or they “didn’t mean it like that” or whatever excuse but in all likelihood you know the difference between an argument, or fun banter (even really spicy banter), and just…being shitty.

    You have some close friends still? Shit dog that’s all you need. The wider your circle gets, the more snakes show up in your lawn. Sometimes they’ll hiss and even bite you to remind you they’re there. Do not grieve if they slither on elsewhere and always keep the lawn mower ready (no hate or advocated violence against IRL snakes as in the animals btw btw btw (maybe against traitor friends (ha ha ha I kid FBI ha ha ha))).

    People will laugh. People always do shit that will make you feel bad. You will have to find strength the weather that. Luckily, one day it will genuinely not bother you, or at least not so much. Less and less as time passes…and this is someone that if you asked me for years I would have said nope, that doesn’t apply to me, I will just hate life and hate life and hate life and it will get worse and worse in my head and one day I’ll just [REDACTED]. But then? Shit I woke up one day like…lol…no. And now I’m hashtag big chillin. Good in all senses.

    I’m super mega ramble mode rn so Ima stfu but fr fr just uhhh shit what was it uhhhh fuck a dorky ass hater? 🥴 Them acting like that ONLY says shit about themselves…thanks for the tip ya’all! You’re dead to me 😂

    Okay okay but fr fr hope you feel better man, best wishes, you deserve better friends, snakes ain’t shit, ain’t nothing, just lessons.