I’m seriously considering voting for Tim Fucking Ryan. This won’t be the first time I’ve cast a ballot for monstrous bourgeois pigs. Do I have to turn in my card if I admit to voting for Joe Biden? If I had known the horrific treatment of immigrants would only intensify under him, I might have not voted in 2020, but he dangled hope over all our heads, and I was one of the idiots who reached to grab it.

I find myself cyclically struggling with the urge to vote. Obviously, the midterms are tomorrow, and I’m getting fearful that the fascists will win. I worry about the queer community, I worry about reproductive rights, and I worry about all the other shit. If I vote, I’m going to vote Democrat down the line. Nothing will change, but maybe things won’t change for the worse.

It’s frustrating that the only thing we can do within the parameters of the capitalist system is swallow these bad-faith choices. I would like to do literally anything else, but I can’t. Liberal politics is an addictive drug.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    1 year ago

    I wouldn’t vote. I’m simply not represented by any of these candidates and they all represent garbage opinions. Even then, the 435 reps being capped at 435 means each rep is supposed to represent 700,000+ people, but they only represent the rich and they appeal to Petty Bourgeoisie in many ads.

    “Fuck labor laws, we need to protect the petty bourgeoisie. Fuck raising property taxes for worthy use of resources in our community, we need to protect the petty bourgeoisie! What’s that? Food and basic necessities are becoming more and more expensive? You working stiffs don’t need a handout, our town’s petty bourgeoisie needs a liferaft to wade through this recession properly! What’s that? You dare to complain for a state constitution-guaranteed wage rise or for unionizing to be easier? Fuck you, and fuck everyone you know and love, there will be nonstop ads slandering the new amendment as being run by irresponsible Pedophiles and abusers that wanna raise your taxes for no reason.”

    Once I started thinking about how local politics work, I gave up on the concept of voting in this shitty nation. I used to say “hey these natl elections are decided by idiots around the country, how about local politics?” And unfortunately its the same dynamic, dumbasses with not an inkling of class consciousness will continue to slander anything that helps them because they say it raises taxes (but will never complain paying increasing taxes for police that do fuck-all).

    I Fucking hate elections here, 4-6 weeks of nonstop annoying ads from candidates trying to sling mud at opponents. Nobody looks better at the end of it. [R] slam ad tells me [D] rarely shows up to congress, or has a corruption scandal or is a billionaire or something. Noted. [D] slam ad says that [R] is a racist and sexist bigot who has no political experience and owns a large business. Noted. Do I wanna vote for the billionaire scumbag who will maybe be a little kinder while maybe doing nothing at all in congress or the asshole who will probably do his job and make this a scarier place?

    I mean I don’t wanna have my name tarnished by voting for EITHER of these bourgeois Dipshits, so no I won’t judge people for making a decision but DAMN voting sucks. Sorry for the rant but fuck I hate this time of year