I’m seriously considering voting for Tim Fucking Ryan. This won’t be the first time I’ve cast a ballot for monstrous bourgeois pigs. Do I have to turn in my card if I admit to voting for Joe Biden? If I had known the horrific treatment of immigrants would only intensify under him, I might have not voted in 2020, but he dangled hope over all our heads, and I was one of the idiots who reached to grab it.

I find myself cyclically struggling with the urge to vote. Obviously, the midterms are tomorrow, and I’m getting fearful that the fascists will win. I worry about the queer community, I worry about reproductive rights, and I worry about all the other shit. If I vote, I’m going to vote Democrat down the line. Nothing will change, but maybe things won’t change for the worse.

It’s frustrating that the only thing we can do within the parameters of the capitalist system is swallow these bad-faith choices. I would like to do literally anything else, but I can’t. Liberal politics is an addictive drug.

  • KiG V2
    21 year ago

    I think either way can be rationalized. For me it’s a matter of: would fascism be more radicalizing for all these apathetic shitheads? Or would they cling even harder to Blue? Are they even ready or do they need another decade of squishy bubble play before they’re ready to remember that shit’s bad? Accelerationism or let it gestate, let the Left catch up and lay groundwork?

    I think either narrative is very rationable. I also think the ultimate outcome for this empire isn’t going to sway majorly whether Gwampaw Joe Brandon or evil orange stinky bad hair Drumpf is president, perhaps I am wrong, it’s really hard to say for sure.